Up On The Rooftop

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About an hour later, we have everything set to cook, so I run up to my room and change into jeans and a warm green hoodie. I finally brush my hair and braid it, bits of it still floating around my face. Once I get my sneakers on, I rush out the door to see what progress has been made on the barn. At least that's what I tell myself. I know full well though I just want to see the guys.

Five of them are on the barn roof, plus Grandpa. Oh lord. Grandma's going to have a fit if she sees him. He's standing up there like king of the mountain. Silas is climbing the ladder with a large and heavy looking bundle of shingles on his shoulder, the others are hammering or scraping shingles off the roof. Nathan stops hammering when he sees me. "Hi Sang!" The others stop what they're doing and look down at me too. I wave up at them.

Silas stops on the ladder, "Are you going to come up?"

Am I? I'm actually a teensy bit afraid of heights, but I want to be where they are. That stupid pull they have.... I nod my head and make my way to the bottom of the ladder. I look up and watch Silas disappear as he steps up on the roof. I hear a loud thud and a moment later he comes back into view. "Come on," he grins.

I nervously grab a rung and step up, looking at Silas' handsome face. I don't dare to look down as I climb. He holds the top of the ladder and it makes me feel more steady. Once I reach the top, he offers a large hand and I take it, letting him assist me onto the roof. Whoa. This is much higher than I thought. I'm still holding his hand and my grip tightens. He doesn't say anything, but I feel him looking at me as I stare at the hard ground.

He pulls me closer to him and sets me near the pitch of the roof, away from the edge. I gingerly sit and actually feel safer in this spot. He leans down to me. "I won't let you fall, my Aggele," he whispers. I look into his eyes as they briefly go black.

For the next hour or so I stay on the roof with everyone, watching the guys work and fix the barn roof.

Silas gets more bundles a couple of times and when he does, I notice that someone else always stands near me to make sure I'm safe. First it was Owen and then Kota. They didn't say that was what they were doing, but I knew. I also notice that none of them break a sweat while working so hard. It's chilly in the autumn air, but most guys would be sweating by now. It must be because it's not hard work with how strong they are. They probably have to even hold back a bit so Grandpa doesn't notice. I'll have to ask them about it, maybe even get a demonstration of their strength sometime.

They're just about finishing up when Grandma comes out to announce dinner is almost ready. I see her give Grandpa a disapproving look, but he just grins at her and tells her he's only supervising. Liar. I've watched him working, but I won't tattle.

"Sang dear, would you please help me set the table? Your mother will be home soon. I told her that if any of the boys at the diner are finished their shifts, to have them come on over."

My heart lifts at the thought of any of them coming over. "Okay, I'll be right in."

She goes back in the house.

I cautiously make my way to the ladder with Silas's help. Nathan tells me to hold on and starts down the ladder a little ways and waits for me. I slowly make my way down with Nathan behind me. I have three rungs left to go when he tells me, "I got you," and grabs me around the waist, lifting me off the ladder and bringing me against him, my back to his front. My body hums at the feel of his body brushing against mine as he slowly sets my feet on the ground. It feels delicious and my heart races as my body craves more contact. He grips my waist harder for a moment then lets go and steps back. I spin around to thank him and am made speechless by look of desire on his face. I can't believe he's looking at me that way.

I find my tongue eventually. "Thank you."

He grins. "You're welcome. You're just a little peanut, I don't want you to get hurt."

I smile and inhale his scent, committing it to memory. He smells like leather and cypress. It's unique and suits him. He has the beginnings of scruff around his jaw. The short whiskers are russet in color, matching his reddish brown hair. I have the urge to feel how rough they are as I'm drawn to his electricity. His nostrils flare and his pupils dilate. What does that mean now? It also happens sometimes when Silas and North look at me.

The same feelings are budding that I had with North in the truck. I have to put space between us before I make a fool of myself.

I step to the side. "I better go help Grandma," I tell him.

He nods and looks up at the barn roof. I follow his gaze and see Silas glaring down at him.

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