Invitation And Preperations

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The rest of the afternoon goes by uneventfully. Kota and Victor were in my gym class, I didn't see any of them in history, and Luke and Nathan were in art.

I go out the front doors and down the steps, to my grandfather's waiting truck.


I turn with my hand on the door handle, and see the five of them following. Victor steps up to me. "Do you still want Silas and me to pick you up later to work on the assignment?"

"That would be nice," I say truthfully. I could use the help.

He nods, "How about five o'clock, you can have dinner with us."

I look over at my grandfather, who's blatantly listening and watching. "Is that okay?"

He directs his attention to the boys. "You have her back before ten."

"We will Mr. Holden."

"Okay then, it's fine with me."

"See you later then," Victor grins.

They all smile and wave as they walk away.

I get up in the truck and shut the door.

"Looks like you made some friends."

"They're nice."

"They are, and are good boys, too, but are you okay being with them?" We drive along the dirt road to our house.

I'm more than okay being with them. I want to be with them.

"I am."

North and Silas

Owen made them both stay in the barn until they resolved their issues. It was bulls***. They wanted to help do research about her or even go back to the school to see her. But Owen pulled Alpha and wouldn't let them.

After hours of stewing and silence, North finally is the one to speak. "I just wanted to see her, damn it."

Silas sighs. Now that he's had time to clear his head, he realizes how badly he acted. "I know. S***. I don't know what came over me. I'm telling you, it's like all I could focus on was her and all I want is her." He looks around the floor at the pieces North has removed from his jeep. "Want help putting it back together?"

North runs his hand through his dark hair. "S***. Yeah, then we can go in and find out what they've learned."

Silas nods and they begin putting the pieces back together.

All Nine

They sit around the large dining room table waiting for Owen to begin their family meeting. They normally would include Uncle in something like this, but they want to get more information first. Although, his being human might be a good safety net to have around when she comes over.

"We can't find anything on her father just doing a general search. There isn't even an obituary to find." Owen shakes his head.

"Do we know what he did for work?" Victor asks.

"Nothing, the man was a ghost," Sean says.

Nathan looks around the table, "Should we call the Academy?"

"And tell them we have a female shifter?" Owen shakes his head. "I want to talk with her first and see what we can find out on our own."

Sean sits forward. "Once word of her gets out. Every Alpha, sweet lord, every shifter, is going to want her. The poor girl isn't going to have a chance."

"What do we do then?" Luke asks.

"We protect her," North says.

"Damn right," Silas agrees.

Nathan looks at his brothers, "I want to do it, just remember we'll also be putting ourselves at risk from other packs who want her."

"That's too f****** bad. She's in our territory and we found her," Gabe growls.

Kota looks at Owen. "It won't stop them, and she's vulnerable until she changes."

"We can't think about that yet," Sean interjects. "Let's just get through tonight with her coming here and see what we learn."

Owen nods his head and looks at his pack sternly, "You are to maintain control at all times. She will have to find out what she is eventually, but not tonight. Not yet. Is that understood?"

They all voice their agreement.

Sean looks at North, "Perhaps we should sedate you just a touch."

"What the f****** hell!" He stands up and glares. "You don't think I can control myself!?"

Sean raises a brow and purses his lips.

In The Shadows - Fan Fiction Version by KatydidsWhere stories live. Discover now