Caught In The Night

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After the guys leave, I chat with Mom a few minutes about her new job. She seems to genuinely like it. I'm proud of her. I know it's been hard on her with Dad gone. I've been so wrapped up in my own emotions, I didn't really think of what she's been going through. I've seen her with red rimmed eyes in the mornings and a look of sadness on her face that she immediately tries to hide with a smile when she sees me. It's gotten better though. For both of us. I see her genuinely smile at times now and as much as I hated moving here, I think it will be good for her. For me. We have Grandma and Grandpa now and we're making friends.

I give Mom a hug and go up to my room. I know the house will be quiet soon with everyone going to bed. Mom's exhausted and Grandma and Grandpa go to bed early. I make a show of putting my pajamas on and go down for a drink of water so they see I'm going to bed. When I go back upstairs, I listen to the sound of Mom going in her room. I wait awhile and when all is quiet, I change into jeans and a sweater. I put on a pair of boots and my jacket and gloves. It's only October, but it's cold at night.

I slowly and quietly open my door and go out of my room, closing it behind me. My heart is pounding. I've never done anything like this. I just pray I get away with it.

Once I'm out of the house. I finally breathe. There's no way I can take the Bronco. I'm going to have to go on foot. I'm small, but in pretty good shape and start running down the road, the gravel crunching beneath my feet. The moon isn't full, but it's still bright enough where I don't need to use the flashlight I grabbed from the kitchen drawer. The cool air feels good in my lungs. I thought I'd be scared, alone at night outside, but I actually like it. It feels...natural.

After a while, I see the entrance of their long dirt driveway. I slow my pace to be quieter and make my way up it, staying close to the surrounding forest.

I hope I'm not too late.

I see the old house, but remain at a distance behind a tree. A few lights are on inside but I can't see anything. The screen door creaks open and North comes out followed by the others. Their voices carry over to me.

I hear Gabe. "Well this is some s***ty timing."

"No f***," North responds.

They all remove their clothes. It's too dark to actually see anything, just shadowed figures. I'm riveted nevertheless. I've never seen a naked man in person before. I feel slightly ashamed to be watching them, but I'm not doing it because I want to see them without clothes. I want to see them shift and as wolves.

I catch Kota's words. "We have to keep Cole's pack away until we figure out what to do."

North throws his jeans on the steps. "Levi said they plan on sticking around just outside of our territory for a while."

Owen starts to walk around the house. "We'll need to sweep the perimeters every night to make sure they don't breach until they leave."

Sean follows. "In town is open territory, though, what if they see her there?"

I can no longer make out their words as they walk to the field behind the house. I follow along the edge of the forest, staying hidden. What are they talking about? Who's the girl Sean mentioned?

When they stop, I crouch behind a fallen tree. Every sound I make causes me to wince. They don't seem to notice though, still in conversation I can't make out.

I watch as they all stop in the middle of the field and someone, that I think is Owen, standing in the front of the group, tilts his head back. His body begins to jerk and twist. A growling sound comes out of him and crosses the field to me. I'm mesmerized as his body quickly morphs before I can even make out how it happens. The others all start to do the same. This is so unreal. So beautiful. I can feel their electricity from here now. Something stirs inside of me, wanting out. Their bodies lower to the ground and huge wolves are now in their place. I can't believe what I'm seeing. It's like I'm witnessing some ancient secret come to life.

They start to move to the opposite side of the field. I automatically step forward with them. A small branch cracks beneath my foot. I freeze. They all spin in my direction. A breeze rustles the drying leaves on the trees and my hair gently whips around my face. I see them sniff at the air and tense. My heart hammers. Do they know I'm here?

My question is answered as the lead wolf stalks in my direction.

What should I do? The others follow with him and I know there's no escape. I'm nervous but not afraid. I take a deep breath and come out from tree line. They continue toward me. I'm rooted in place. What will they do? As they get closer, my anxiety heightens. They're so much bigger up close. Like the size of a large Great Dane. Practically as tall as me.

The one who I know must be Owen stares at me. I can make out that his coat has a variety of colors but I'm too distracted by his growling to really take notice. He stands right in front of me and the growling turns to snarling, his lip curling, showing sharp white teeth. I hear a chorus of similar growls behind him but my eyes are locked on his.

Maybe Victor was right. This isn't a good idea. I try to think of something.

"Hi, Owen," I whisper.

His jaws snap at me and I just about pee myself. I've gone from nervous to full blown scared. He sniffs the air and then does something that truly terrifies me. He slowly lifts his front legs and stands on his back ones, stretching up, towering above me. He growls and snarls down at me, saliva hanging from his mouth. The electricity coming off him is painful.

I instinctively cower to the ground, and curl over myself, my head to the grass and my hands covering the back of it. I sense him lower back down, but I don't move. The air around me crackles and then I feel a hand on my back. "Sang."

I recognize Owen's commanding voice but I'm unable to respond. Too frightened.

I'm pulled up from my crouching position and open my eyes to see a very well built and naked chest. I'm then suddenly tossed over Owen's shoulder and carried away. I try to grab for something to hold on to but all there is is naked flesh and a very well formed backside below me. I tuck my arms into myself and lift my head up to see eight wolves watching me be carried away by their alpha.

In The Shadows - Fan Fiction Version by KatydidsWhere stories live. Discover now