A New Job

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I dreamed about shifters.

I was running through the forest, being chased. My breathing was ragged and I was panicking, hearing snarling and growling behind me. I picked up my speed, branches whipped at my face, scratching me. I wanted to scream, but it wouldn't do any good. I broke through some brush and ran into the middle of a clearing and stopped. The moonlight made it easy to see the men come out of the forest and stand along the edges, blocking any escape, waiting for me to make a move. I spun around. There were so many of them. Staring at me, breathing heavily, half naked bodies tense. I knew if I could see better, I would see eyes that turned black. Something inside told me they weren't going to kill me though.

They wanted me.

"Sang, dear! Come have some breakfast."

"Be right down, Grandma!"

I pick up my bag and run downstairs. The smell of bacon and pancakes greet me. My grandfather is reading a magazine and my mom and grandmother are preparing the plates. I sit at the table, noticing my mom's outfit. She's wearing dress pants and a blouse. Her blond hair is styled and she has makeup on. She looks beautiful. Although, she always does. "What are you all dressed up for?"

She looks at me and grins. "I'm going to apply for a job at the diner."

"The diner?" Really?

She sighs. "I don't currently have a college education and I need to start making money. When we went there last night I overheard that one of the morning shift waitresses was fired. I'm going to see if I can get the job."

I can see the worry in her eyes. My mom never had a job before. She did a couple small acting gigs when she was young, but then she met my dad and he took care of her when the acting didn't pan out. "I'm sure you'll get the job, Mom. You're a hard worker and learn fast. You look pretty too."

She smiles at me and I'm glad I said something.

"Mr. Taylor will take one look at you and hire you on the spot," my grandmother beams.

My mom rolls her eyes.

A plate with a couple strips of bacon and a chocolate chip pancake is laid in front of me. My mouth waters. I'm actually hungry and not as nervous this morning. I have friends at school already. Secret shifter friends, but friends.

Grandpa frowns at my food. "What the hell is in your pancake?"

I giggle. "Chocolate chips."


"Because it tastes good."

My mom sits down grinning. "She's always loved them that way."

He harumphs.

"Do you want to try it?" I ask.

"No thank you. If I want something in my pancakes, it'll be blueberries." He keeps eyeing my pancake though.

Grandma finally stops shuffling around and sits with us. "Could I ride with you and Sang?" she asks Grandpa. "I need you to take me to the grocery store. We'll have several hungry boys to feed Saturday."

He nods. "I'll drop you off at the grocer and pick you up after I run to the hardware store."

We finish our breakfasts and I help clean up after.

Mom gives me a kiss on the cheek. "Have a good day, Sang."

"Good luck, Mom."

She runs out to her car and drives to the diner.

My grandmother puts on a coat and gets her purse. "You ready, dear?"

I throw my coat on and follow them out the door.

In The Shadows - Fan Fiction Version by KatydidsWhere stories live. Discover now