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I head straight to my geometry class and give the teacher my schedule to sign. I wonder what they do if you don't turn it in? Not that I ever break the rules. I've always done as told, shyly staying in the background. My dad was the opposite of my mom. Never trying to encourage me to be outgoing and popular. He would argue that there was nothing wrong with me being an introvert. He actually seemed to prefer I be that way. He loved me so much though, and I, him. We had a special bond, connection. My throat burns at the memory and I push it away.

She hands me a math book and directs me to a seat more in the middle to take. My least preferable, besides the front, I'd rather be to the side or back. I obediently sit and wait as students come in.

A guy sits to my left and girl to my right. I take a chance and look at her, smiling shyly. She glares at me. I recognize her from English. I look away and stare ahead. That didn't go well.


I turn to the guy to my left. He's cute and has a football jersey on. "What's your name?"


"I'm Garret," he smiles.

I give a small smile back.

"So you're the new girl I heard about."

"You heard about me?" Really?

"Yeah, a girl like you stands out."

I do? That's definitely not what I want. Why would I stand out?

The bell rings and the teacher begins class. I open my book and thankfully have already done the chapter they're working on. I won't be behind in this class.

A couple minutes later the door to the room opens and I feel that electricity again. I look up expecting to see Silas and Victor but see two different guys instead.

"So kind of you to join us," the teacher wryly says.

They mutter apologies and find their seats, their eyes sweeping the room and nostrils flared. The blond one takes his on the other side of Garret and the one with brown hair and blonde streaks around his face sits behind him. They're both as good looking as Victor and Silas. The blond and I make eye contact. His pupils dilate and an intense look comes over his beautiful face. I look at the guy behind him and see the same thing.

I feel the same pull to them but look away and down at my book, my belly filled with nerves. What's with the guys in this school?

Luke and Gabriel

They want to touch her so bad. Victor was right, the scent, though faint is there. Unlike anything they've ever experienced before. As well as the undeniable pull.

Gabriel wipes his brow and realizes he's actually sweating. Sweating! What the hell!

Luke's body is practically shaking. Jesus.

Is this the effect they always had?

No wonder Silas tried to claim her. Well too f****** bad.

They want her too.

In The Shadows - Fan Fiction Version by KatydidsWhere stories live. Discover now