More Questions and a New Ride

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As I walk up to the school, I automatically walk with my head down, hiding my face with my hair hanging along the sides. I feel an electric pull and someone taps my shoulder. I stop and look up to my right and see Silas smiling down at me.

His pupils dilate, but it's so brief I almost miss it. "Hello Sang."

"Hi Silas." I smile.

I feel intimidated standing next to him. He's so huge, I can't get over it.

"Want to walk with me to class?" he asks.

I nod shyly. "Where's Victor and the others?"

He points at the school steps and I see them watching us. "We weren't sure how you would handle seeing us after you had a night to process what we told you. I volunteered to test the waters."

I wave at the guys and they perk up. "I'm fine. I have lots of questions actually."

His smile broadens.

I want to swoon.

"I'm sure we can find some answers for you."

Silas and I walk up to the waiting guys. They're all smiling at me. "Hi." I smile back.

I'm given a chorus of greetings. Luke chuckles. "So we didn't scare you off, huh?"

I shake my head. "No."

"She said she has lots of questions for us," Silas tells them.

"I bet," Kota grins. "We just want to be careful of not being overheard."

I nod, completely understanding. The bell rings, ushering students in. Victor, Silas and I go to English.

Once again we are grouped to work on our assignments. Although I had a hard time concentrating last night, I feel more caught up today. I keep shooting glances at the boys.

Victor grins at me. "What is it, Sang?" he whispers.

I look around to make sure no one's listening. "I heard you all last night. Howling." I smile.

Silas chuckles. "You know, there are actual wolves around here, too."

I shake my head. "I know it was you."

They smile, confirming my statement. I think of something. "Do you play with them?"

Silas eyes me. "What?"

"Real wolves. Not shifter ones."

Victor looks like he wants to laugh. "No Sang. We don't. They can tell we aren't true wolves anyway and keep at a distance."

I doodle on my paper. "Do you think I can see you all as wolves sometime?"

Victor's eyes blaze and briefly go black. "That wouldn't be a good idea right now."

I'm so entranced by his eyes, it takes me a moment to realize what he said. "Why not?"

"Let's see if I can explain." He thinks for a moment. "As shifters we can have one of two forms at any time. But the personalities of both are always there inside. They're similar but different."

I nod, encouraging him to continue.

"Right now, it's me, Victor, a seventeen year old guy. But underneath my wolf is always there, waiting for its turn to come out. When I shift, my wolf personality and instinct takes over. My human side is always dominant but I allow the wolf part free reign. If things get out of hand, I'm able to shift back, but sometimes my wolf fights it."

In The Shadows - Fan Fiction Version by KatydidsWhere stories live. Discover now