All Hell Breaks Loose

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What I imagine a sledgehammer feeling like swings at the right side of her face. Apparently I can feel her physical pain too. Our jaw cracks and we land in a heap on the ground.

All hell breaks loose.

People are yelling and growling. Next we're lifted high in the air and hurled far away from the group. The landing is hard and painful, more bones break.

We land on our side and remain there, staring at the commotion beyond, trying to breathe, which has become very painful to do.

North and Silas are standing, backs to my direction, feet planted and fists ready. Ethan is on the other side of them looking like he wants to tear me apart.

Sean, Holly, and Victor are tending to Finn. I can't see him or how he is since they're in the way.

Owen, Luke, Gabe, Nathan and Kota run over to me. Nathan removes his shirt as they kneel down, "Sang, you need to shift to heal." He drapes his shirt over my wolf's body.

She lets out a whimper.

We're in so much pain, the thought of shifting with all the twisting shaking that goes with it is frightening.


Our eyes focus on Owen. "Shift."

Soothing electricity surrounds us. We take a labored and painful breath then our eyes warm and we shift.

I immediately cry out in pain. Nathan's shirt is adjusted on top of me.

"Your body will heal, Sang, just give it a minute," Owen's voice is surprisingly soothing.

"Finn," I gasp.

"I'll go check on him," Luke gets up and takes off.

I can feel my bones move and shift as they mend back together. It only hurts for a moment, then it's gone. I take another deep breath and this time there's no pain with it. My ribs must be healed.

"Gabe, take her to her bed. Kota and Nathan, you go with them." Owen gets up and heads back to where Finn is.

Gabe's strong lean arms scoop me up behind my back and thighs. I wrap my arms around his neck, feeling weak. He quickly strides to the house, Kota and Nathan flanking his sides.

Once inside, he runs up the stairs and enters their room, gently laying me on Luke's bed. A blanket is quickly draped over me.

Although tired, I can tell I've almost completely healed already. I feel for my wolf, call to her. She's there, scared but not sorry for what she did. I feel an under layer of excitement coming from her too. About what, I don't know.

"I don't know why she did that," I tell them.

They look at me sadly and my eyes water. "I thought I had control over her now."

"It takes a little time," Nathan reminds me.

The door bangs open downstairs and we all turn to the empty doorway of the bedroom. I can hear Holly cooing to Finn. I don't hear anything from him. She's telling him he'll "be alright." Their sounds become more muffled as they go down the hallway to Joe's room.

Feet pound up the stairs and Sean's in the room. "Are you okay?"

I nod. "I'm fine. I'm sorry."

"Do you know why she did it?"

I'm honest. "No... but she seems... happy about it." I cringe.

Sean frowns. "Right after you... she bit him, Finn became unconscious. I don't know what it means. I'm going back to monitor him."

He turns and leaves.

I stare at the wall. "If you don't mind, I'd like to be alone for a little while."

"I don't know if that's a good idea," Gabe says.

"Please, I, I just need a moment."

He looks at Kota and Nathan. They all nod and go downstairs. I pull the cover up to my chin, as a tear glides down my cheek.

What did we do?

I feel a mental slap. What the heck?

My wolf stirs inside of me, pushing feelings of excitement and happiness. What are you so happy about? I push a feeling of disappointment at her. She shoves it away. It's like she's trying to tell me something.

I can practically feel her smiling, pleased with herself.

She settles back deep inside with contentment. What does it mean?

Holly said our eyes were glowing before Finn was bitten. My eyes glowed when I brought the grass back to life too. Did my wolf cure him? Is that why she did it? She knew she could?

I get out of the bed and find my clothes in my bag, quickly getting dressed.

Ethan starts yelling downstairs. What now?

I pad down the stairs and listen at the bottom step.

"I don't care if she's special! Look what she did to him!"

"I know, Ethan, I'm sorry." Owen sounds tired.

"Sorry isn't en- Sean! He's waking up, he's moving."

I hear Sean's soothing voice, "Finn, Finn, can you open your eyes for me?"

For a minute the room is completely silent...

I hear several sudden intakes of breath, then Finn's strong voice. "What happened?"

Sean stutters, "H-how do you feel?"

There's a pause. "I... feel great!... Why are you all looking at me like that?"

I furrow my brows. What's going on in there? Did my wolf cure him? I start to get excited and tip-toe down the hall to the bedroom they're all in. When I reach the open door, I quietly peek around the edge.

Finn's sitting up... looking much different. His skin is healthy, his hair is now a nice dark and shiny brown like his mother's, and he's... gained muscle? Weight?

As if sensing my presence, he turns his head to the doorway. "Hi, Sang!"

I gasp and cover my mouth.

His eyes are black.  

In The Shadows - Fan Fiction Version by KatydidsWhere stories live. Discover now