Who Is She?

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Victor and Silas

Holy s***! This can't be.

There supposedly aren't any.

They both entertained the thought as they watched the back of her head and took in her scent. It's faint, but there. When she turned around and they saw her eyes, they knew it.

They have to tell the others. Warn them. Especially North. Silas almost lost it when he saw her and North definitely will if not prepared.

Victor takes out his phone, sending a group text.

Victor: Everyone meet behind the school after the bell.

Kota: What's going on?

Victor: We have to meet. Trust me.

Kota: Okay

Nathan: Got it

Luke: Okay

Gabe: I'll be there

North: Alright

He puts his phone away and looks at the girl. He can't deny her pull.

The s***'s about to hit the fan.


The boys finally introduce themselves, suddenly acting all normal. But I know something is going on, making me kind of freaked out and curious at the same time.

The big guy is Silas. He has an ocean breeze scent to him, making me miss home. The other, Victor, is more like the forest, smelling like berries and moss. I love it.

I feel some kind of odd connection to them, but don't know what to make of it. They're so beautiful, and.....gorgeous, and have this confident air about them. Completely opposite of me.

They explain the assignment and I learn I already have a lot of catching up to do. Great.

They notice my worry.

"We could work on it after school too, help you get up to speed," Silas says.

Victor shoots him a look but he ignores it.

"Oh, um.....I guess that would be good." My instincts are telling me to be wary but at the same time I want to be around them.

Silas smiles at me, "I'll pick you up after school."

"Wait a minute," Victor interjects, "we'll both come get you."

They stare each other down until Silas nods his head. I just watch them.

Victor turns back to me, his eyes smoldering, "So where are you from?"


"And what brings you to Montana?"

"My mom and I moved in with my grandparents. My dad died six months ago," I say quietly.

They both look sympathetic.

"I'm sorry to hear that," Silas says.

"Me too," adds Victor.

We're quiet for a moment.

"Who are your grandparents?" Silas asks.

"Al and Mary Holden."

"Oh, we know them." Victor smiles. "We live right down the road from you."

So they're two of the boys my grandfather was talking about?

We work on the assignment until the bells rings and gather our papers.

"What class do you have next?" Silas asks, getting up.

Good god, he's huge. I stare up at him, craning my neck back from my short height.

I look back down at my schedule. "Geometry."

"We have a couple friends in that class."

They head to the door like they're in a hurry.

"See you around, Sang."

"Talk to you later."

And with that, they're gone, and so is the electricity in the air.

The Boys

Victor and Silas walk out the back door of the school and head to the forest on the edge of the field. The others are already waiting. North is pacing back and forth, already on edge.

Before Kota can speak, Silas does. "She's mine."

North stops his pacing, the others look confused and Victor is angry.

"You can't claim her," he glares at Silas, his eyes an inferno.

"I just did."

Victor growls low and Silas returns one of his own.

"What the f****** hell." Gabe's flabbergasted by their behavior.

North glares at both of them.

Luke raises a brow at the minor display.

Nathan's already on the defense, not understanding what's going on.

Kota's not having it. "Enough! One of you explain," he commands.

Victor and Silas turn from each other and look at Kota.

"There's a new girl that's in our class. She just moved here," Victor starts.

"Are you f****** kidding me! You're about to go at it over a girl?" Gabe interrupts.

"She's not just any girl," Silas says, irritated.

"What is she?" Luke asks, curious as to what about her can make his brothers want to fight.

Victor and Silas look their brothers in the eyes, communicating.

"What? That's not possible...." Gabe whispers. He looks at Kota, "Is it?"

Kota stares at Victor and Silas. "Why do you think that?"

"We know it," Victor corrects. "Her scent is faint, confusing at first, but there. She obviously doesn't know. But when she looked at us," Victor shakes his head, "with these amazing, exotic bright green eyes...." he looks at his brothers, "not human eyes.....it's obvious to our kind."

"I didn't think there were any more," Luke says quietly.

"How has she remained hidden?" Nathan asks.

North's nostrils flare, trying to find her scent, but he can't, being too far away. He steps toward the school and immediately Silas blocks his path, "I said she's mine."

"F*** that."

He moves around Silas and Silas blocks his path again. North snarls at him.

"Oy, s***. This isn't good Kota." Gabe whispers.

Kota moves between them. "You're done. Both of you go home."

When they don't obey, Kota snaps at them. "I said to go home!"

They reluctantly take off into the forest, a large space between the two friends who are normally inseparable.

Kota looks away from the forest and focuses back on Victor. "What do you know?"

"She and her mother just moved here from California. Her dad died six months ago. They're living with her mother's parents, the Holdens."

"And you don't think she knows?"

"I don't. There was a definite draw between her and us and she seemed confused by it. Plus her scent is so faint, indicating she hasn't transformed yet."

"What does she look like?" Luke questions.

Victor pulls out his phone. "I took her picture when she wasn't looking."

Kota takes the phone and the others hover around him looking at her.

"Holy f****** s***," Gabe whispers.

"You can say that again." Luke's in awe.

"Holy f****** s***," Gabe repeats.

Luke chops him on the head.

"God, she's beautiful," Nathan mutters.

Kota remains silent, but can't take his eyes off the picture of her face.

"What's the rest of her look like?" Luke asks.

Victor blushes a little.

"That good, huh?" Luke smiles.

"Yeah, but she's small and fragile looking too."

"They always were, a form of camouflage," Kota says. "A way to deceive attackers."

"I never heard of one with eyes like that though," Victor muses.

"We'll have to talk with the others after school and get information. Find out about her father. Once word of her gets out, she's going to be hunted from every direction." Kota gives Victor his phone back after sending a copy of the picture to his own.

"We need to watch over her," Nathan says.

"Yeah, um, Silas told her we would pick her up at her grandparent's place after school and bring her home to work on our assignment." Victor tells them.

"Sweet Jesus," Gabe mutters.

The bells rings in the school.

Kota runs his hand through his hair and pushes his unnecessary glasses up. He used to need them when he was younger, but not ever since his change. "What class does she have now?"

"Geometry," Victor tells him.

Luke and Gabe perk up at this and Kota gives them a stern look. "Keep yourselves in check the entire time. You don't know how her presence will affect you, just try to be prepared."

They nod and hurry back to the school.

Kota turns to Victor and Nathan. "I'm going to check on the others back home now instead, and see what I can find out about this. I might not have enough time before she comes to the house. I'll tell Owen and Sean, too."

Kota heads for his car and Victor and Nathan go back in the school. Kota takes out his phone and looks at her picture again.

That beautiful face has the ability to tear their pack apart.

In The Shadows - Fan Fiction Version by KatydidsWhere stories live. Discover now