Sleeping Arrangements

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I excuse myself to go to the kitchen and get Grandma's food ready for dinner.

I told the guys I didn't mind them telling the new arrivals all that's happened. They said they were friends and I trust them. I just don't feel like relating the events myself. Especially about my father.

Silas and Nathan join me after a few minutes, bringing Finn with them. Silas carries him again and sets him in a chair by the kitchen table. Finn smiles grandly at me.

I try not to giggle. I think he has a crush on me.

Even though he's much too young, I admit it's a bit flattering. I don't think anyone's ever had a crush on me before.

"So whatcha cookin'?" he asks.

We pull out Grandma's excessive amounts of food. Well, maybe not so excessive. We do have three more people here, and I'm honestly hungry... again.

"My grandmother brought over a bunch of food," I tell him. "We just have to reheat it. Are you hungry?"

He shrugs his bony shoulders. "I don't eat very much."

I look him over, it doesn't look like it.

He notices my gaze. "I'm sick."

"I'm sorry."

"Me too," he grins at me and I can't help but grin back.

"It's my ticker, as the doctor calls it."

I raise a brow at him.

"My heart," he clarifies. "I got a bad one and it makes me weak and I get sick easily."

Silas suddenly grabs the bag of trash from the trash can. "I'm going to go put this out." He walks out without a backward glance.

We all stare at the door he went through.

"Aw, Nathan, I upset him."

Nathan taps Finn's nose. "Nah, he just hates a dirty kitchen," he grins.

Finn looks at me, "Silas has a hard time with me being sick. I've known him for three years. My dad used to go train new shifters at the Academy until I got too sick and he had to be around more."

I decide to change the subject, "What did he train?"


"For what?"

He shrugs, "Self defense and stuff. It's was pretty cool."

"So you come to visit the guys often?" I ask.

"We come every few months. Mom and Dad like to take me on trips when I feel up to it. Bring me to see things."

"Sounds like fun."

He smiles. "I like coming here the best."

I wash my hands at the sink."Why's that?"

He shrugs again, "They don't treat me like I'm sick. I feel like I can do anything when I'm here. It makes me forget."

I slowly stir the stew in the crock pot. I wish the poor guy didn't have a sickness to forget in the first place...


Dinner is a fun and loud affair.

Everyone is in good spirits, including Silas. I think his heart is in proportion to his size. Big. It's obvious Finn has a special place in it for him.

Most of the conversation revolves around me. Specifically my being the first female shifter in a few centuries.

Ethan has lots of questions we can't answer. Like if this means more females will be born.

Holly is just as excited. She wants a full description of what my wolf looks like.

Finn thinks it is the coolest thing when he finds out. He says he knew I was special which makes me turn red and the others chuckle.

The family doesn't make me feel awkward or uncomfortable at all. They embrace me as a friend.

After dinner we all play board games. Finn and I are a fabulous pair, cheating with excellence.

When the others finally catch on, they pretend to be offended, but it is obvious they aren't by their twinkling eyes and grins.

Finn muffles another yawn with his palm.

"Looks like it's bedtime buddy," Ethan tells him.

Finn's eyes are red and the purple smudges under them, more pronounced. He nods in agreement. "I'm pretty tired."

His dad scoops him up and turns to Owen. "Um, are we in the usual room?"

"Yes." Owen stands, too. "It's all set up for you."

Holly gets up. "Well, goodnight then everyone."

We all say goodnight and I watch them walk down the hall... to Joe's room. The one I was sleeping in...

Kota scratches the back of his neck. "They always take Uncle's room and he normally bunks in a cot in one of our rooms."

"Oh." I fiddle with my necklace. "Is that what I'm doing?"

He nods, "Yeah, is that okay?"

I shrug with mock indifference. "It's fine."

In reality, the thought of sharing a room with any of them excites me, and that worries me a bit. What if I... attack one of them... in a sexual manner? I think about the embarrassment that would bring as my eyes warm at the same time.

Owen clears his throat.

My eyes lock on his. They're beginning to turn black and stop, returning to normal. He almost looks pained. "Do you have a preference as to who you share a room with?"

I shake my head.

Owen looks around the room at the others. "You'll stay with Luke and Gabe."

Some of the others start to grumble and Owen shoots them a look, silencing them. Sean's grinning ear to ear, staring at Owen. Like he knows a secret. Owen gives him the same look, but it only makes Sean smile more.

"We'll set up a cot in their room, your things have already been moved out of Uncle's."

I get up and follow Luke and Gabe to their room. It's a guy room but... fun too. It's full of color and relaxing at the same time. Kind of like them.

North carries in a cot and Victor follows with bedding and a pillow. Sean brings my things.

North and Victor insist on making my bed, so I go change in the new bathroom I'm using and brush my teeth. When I come back in, only Luke and Gabe are there. "We kicked everyone out," Luke grins. He throws himself back on the cot. "You get my bed, roomie."

"I couldn't."

"You can and you will," His expression is stern and completely silly for him.

"The men already decided," Gabe grins, lying on his bed and putting his hands behind his head. It's then I notice they're shirtless, with just pajama bottoms.

I take a gander at their well defined and lean torsos.

"Keep looking at us like that and you'll end up sharing a bed," Luke warns playfully.

I blush and jump in his bed. "Goodnight."

Gabe reaches over and turns out the lamp as they both chuckle. "Goodnight," they say.  

In The Shadows - Fan Fiction Version by KatydidsWhere stories live. Discover now