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She rounds around a boulder as he slams into her hip, knocking her over. Before she can even move, his jaws are wrapped around her throat and he's growling. Just a tiny bit more pressure and he'll draw blood. The growl vibrates through his jaws and into her neck. We are truly terrified. I feel her heart hammer and body shake.

He releases his hold on her neck after a minute but continues to stand over her. Intimidating her. I feel her anxiety rise and try to press it down, calm her. Our roles are suddenly reversed although I'm scared out of my mind.

I feel protective of her, although she got us into this mess.

Then I start to feel angry.

With Owen's wolf.

She was tired! We just shifted for the first time and he was pushing too hard! Was it really that big of a deal? She feels my anger over the injustice and starts to calm. Then I feel something else begin.


Don't you dare do it! I scream in my head, but I don't have enough control to stop her.

I sense an apology from her as I shift...

Oh god.

I would kill her if it wasn't suicide.

The leaves and dirt press into my back and butt. I lie in shock at my predicament. Naked, in the forest, at night, with an angry alpha shifter wolf straddling above me. Great.

I cross my arms over my breasts and dare a peek at him.

He looks irritated and confused and snarls at my face. Somehow I know it's meant more for her and not so much me. Then his body twists and shudders and he shifts without moving from his position.

My entire body heats. This predicament just got a whole lot more awkward...

Owen's face is inches above mine. We're both breathing heavily from our sudden shifting. The fact that we're both naked is not lost on me. He stares at my face, not saying anything, his gray eyes hold my green. The moment is intense and something else I can't define. Something stirs low in my belly and I feel my eyes warm. It's the strangest sensation. What is that?

A look of surprise passes his face and then his eyes turn black as his nostrils flare.


My wolf was ready to discipline hers when she suddenly shifted, and shocked the hell out of us. He was immensely irritated and I knew I had to shift to avoid hurting her. Now I'm hovering above her, both of us naked and I want nothing more than to claim her body. Right here. Right now.

I dig my fingers into the ground on either side of her head.

Her eyes turn black. It's the first time I've seen it and I know it's because she's aroused. Shifters that have just gone through their awakening tend to be... easily so.

It's taking everything I have not to look down at her body. Drink it in. Her scent is so much stronger. Add to it the fact she's aroused, it's overwhelming. I want to bury my nose into her neck and inhale her.

I close my eyes a moment to regain control, and draw on my wolf's anger for her disobedience.

It works.

I snap my eyes open. "You need to learn to control your wolf! It's dangerous to allow her to control you like that. You also need to make her obedient! She challenged mine's authority and the issue remains."

Her lust filled gaze disappears. "She was tired! You pushed her too much! I would have pushed you myself." She defiantly lifts her chin.

"I'm the alpha," I ground out, my electricity surrounding us. "If you want to be a part of this pack, you will obey my commands. I have my reasons for what I do. It's not your responsibility to know them."

Her eyes that had returned to their brilliant green go black again. I have no doubt it's not from arousal.

She's mad.


I'm so mad I'm about to explode!

I've also discovered that my awakening has removed much of my timidity. Just because he's the alpha doesn't mean he should be such a brute! And I have a right to know things that affect my life!

I boldly uncover my breasts and push against his hard chest. He growls at the contact and swiftly stands. As he does so, I'm distracted from my righteous anger...

It's dark out, but I can still see perfectly in my human form as I did when a wolf. It's definitely an asset. My eyes roam over his body and lock onto his sex. My heart beat kicks up. I've never seen a naked man in person before like this, but I know without a doubt that he's... impressive.

When my leering reaches his face again, I remember that he sees me too. For some reason, that doesn't bother me. I lie still and allow him to take in his fill, his eyes roaming over my body, pausing at my breasts and between my legs. I see the evidence of the affect I have on him. Why am I being so brazen?

I quickly stand, confused by my behavior and turn my back to him. He must have seen it on my face.

"Sang," he says, "what you're feeling right now is normal after an awakening. All your senses are heightened and make you desirous to do... certain things. We knew this would happen and won't take advantage of you."

My emotions are all over the place and I now sulk. "So you may still allow me to be a part of your pack?"

I hear him step behind me. His hands lie on my shoulders and he turns me around, only looking in my eyes. "Yes."

I swallow. "And you'll tell me things I want to know?"

His jaw ticks a moment. "If I think you should."

I open my mouth to object but he continues.

"I will take your... feelings... into consideration. In turn, you will trust me as your alpha."

"I'll try," I answer honestly.

He gives me the tiniest smile. "That's a start."

"Now what?" I hesitantly ask.

"Now, you shift and we go meet the others at the den."

"The den? Like a wolf den?"

"Yes, it's back where... we came from."

"How do I shift?" I have no clue what to do.

He looks at me sternly. "You take command of your wolf and the rest comes naturally."

He steps back and quickly shifts, making it look so easy. The longer I stand here naked, the more awkward I feel and desirous of a fur coat. I sense her inside me and pull at her, she doesn't resist. I feel my eyes warm again and my body shakes and rattles, but it feels good, like stretching tired muscles, and I shift.

Right off I can tell she's contrite for abandoning me like that. I send her feelings of forgiveness. She nervously looks at Owen's wolf. He slowly walks to us and she cowers, tucking her tail, lying flat on the ground. He stands over her again, showing his dominance, snarling in her face. She doesn't move and when he finally stops, he nuzzles her and quickly licks her cheek, then steps back for her to get up.

She's forgiven.

Relief flows through us. She rises and goes up to him, happily nuzzling his face and neck.

Fickle girl.

He turns and runs through the forest, back to the others, we obediently follow.

For now. 

In The Shadows - Fan Fiction Version by KatydidsWhere stories live. Discover now