Have To Have Her

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As soon as I got to my car, I sent a text to Owen and Sean saying there was an emergency and they needed to meet me at the house. They both responded they would be there and I drove the twenty minutes home.

I knew North and Silas would get there before me, cutting through the forest. I just hoped they didn't tear each other apart on the way.

I park in front of the wide covered porch of the old white farm house and walk up the steps. The house is huge with five bedrooms and three bathrooms. It originally only had one, but we added the other two. It was asking too much of ten guys to share one bathroom. Uncle has his own bedroom. Owen and Sean share one, so do Luke and Gabe, North and Silas, and then I share with Nathan and Victor. The bedrooms are all good sized and it's fortunately not crowded.

Silas is sitting in one of the chairs on the front porch looking morose and I take the one next to his. I hear North banging around in the old barn.

I turn and look at his profile. "Tell me about it."

"What do you want to know?" He stiffly looks ahead at the forest.


His jaw begins to relax and he swallows, "Kota, it's unlike anything I've ever felt. Like Victor said, as soon as we walked in the room, we noticed the scent, feminine and earthy....exotic." He shakes his head, "I don't know how to describe it exactly. It was faint, but there......I immediately found the source and stared at the back of her head. She had her hair pulled over her shoulder, exposing part of her slender and pale neck.....the back of her ear. She looked so small and seemed so lost and shy, but I could tell she was aware of Victor and me.....That she could feel the electric energy that fills the air when around our kind.....Then she told the teacher her name.......God Kota, even her voice sounded like music to me."

He sits forward, putting his elbows to his knees and cradles his head in his hands. "When she turned around and looked at us.......with those amazing eyes and the most beautiful face.......I wanted to take her right then. My wolf wanted out and to claim her, see her's........I almost lost it, but Victor snapped me out of it. It took all I had to stop myself. It was both painful and euphoric all at once.........I need to have her."

He finally sits up and looks at me, "Where the hell did she come from, Kota?"

I shake my head. "I don't know, but we need to get answers." I remember something, "Did you make plans to pick her up later and bring her back here?"

He sheepishly smiles at me, "Yeah, I did. I wanted to be around her in any way I could find."

"You do realize that was a dumb thing to do."

He shakes his head, "I know, but I wasn't exactly in a right frame of mind."

My phone buzzes and I see I have texts from Luke and Gabe.

Luke: Holy s***, it's true. I'm practically having a seizure over her, I want her so bad.

Gabe: F****** s***, Kota! What the hell is happening!? And I'm sweating! F****** sweating!

"It looks like Luke and Gabe are just as affected by her," I tell Silas. At least they don't seem to be losing control. Will we all react this way to her? I start to put my phone away and it buzzes again.

I read the new text.

Gabe: And tell Silas he can f****** go screw himself. She's mine.

In The Shadows - Fan Fiction Version by KatydidsWhere stories live. Discover now