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I feel so cozy and safe and warm.

My body is humming though, filled with energy, renewed from sleep, and I can't keep my eyes shut any longer. I open them to see North's face directly in front of mine, his eyes closed and breathing evenly.

Ah yes, I'm in a shifter cocoon. It's heavenly. I move a fraction and both North's and Owen's arms tighten around me. Owen's hard chest rises and falls against my back with every breath, his hand splayed low on my belly.

I focus on where their bodies touch mine, from my feet that are tangled with North's long legs, one of mine hooked over his, to the top of my head where Owen's chin rests. The electricity surrounding us is alive and feral. Instinctively... brazenly, I push my backside against Owen. He responds with a low growl, pressing his already hard length against me, and so pushing me more into North at the same time.

My heart races. A part of me, the inexperienced and shy girl, is embarrassed by this. Another, the wild and confident shifter that's developing, doesn't care if she should be and wants more.

My eyes warm as I look up at North again, his are now open and I watch the pupils dilate in the firelight until his irises disappear, his eyes hooded. "You're playing with fire, Baby." His voice is low and rumbles as he speaks.

I inhale deeply, the air surrounding us heavy with what I realize is our arousal and the scents that identify them. Earthy... male.

I press my nose to the base of his throat, craving more. "So?"

With a growl, he moves his hand from between Owen and me and runs it over my hip, along my outer thigh, and hooks my leg high over his hip, rocking into me. The sensation is overwhelming and I gasp, a growl emits from my throat as I press my lips against his skin.

Owen's hot breath is on my neck as he moves my hair out the way and his mouth follows, sending shivers down my spine. As North's hand grips my thigh, Owen's moves up under my sweater, his fingers brushing over my ribs, leaving goosebumps in its trail. He gently bites the skin below my ear as his hand cups under my bare breast.

I suck in a breath and lift my face from North's throat, arching my back on a moan as Owen's hand completes its journey, palming and kneading my entire breast. His growl fills my ear and my eyes close as I enjoy the sensation.

A hot mouth crashes on mine. Commanding. Demanding.


I sit up with a start, gasping for breath and wiggle out from between North and Owen's sleeping forms, forcing my head to clear.

What the hell was that?!

My movement wakes the shifters my dreams are made of.

Holy heck! It felt so... real! I dreamed things I've never experienced yet in my life. With one guy! And I dreamed of two at once?! My god, what's wrong with me?

"Are you alright?"

I start at Owen's voice. He and North both stand, towering over me and watching intently. God only knows what they read on my face. My burning face. I clear my throat, "I'm fine, I just woke up."

"Are you sure? You seem... off." North crouches down and I watch his nostrils flare. He stiffens as his eyes go black, darting from mine to between my legs.

Oh, sweet mother.

I jump up, almost knocking into him and go to the bin that has extra shoes in it. "I feel fine now, I'm ready to go." My stupid voice is high pitched.

Owen puts a hand on top of the bin, stopping me from opening it. "We'll shift when we go."

"Oh, okay," I look up and see his eyes are black too, his features strained.

"Should we go then?" I'm so ready to leave this cave, burn off the crazy energy that's zooming through my body.

North picks up the blanket, then folds and puts it away. They throw dirt on the fire, putting it out. The sun has completely set and the moon's taken its place. "We still have things to discuss." Owen says.

There's no way I can spend another moment here with them... smelling what I dreamed. Oh god, that sounds so much worse in my head. I walk to the front of the cave. "Could we talk at the house? I'm... I'm really hungry." I clutch my belly for good measure, and turn around... my eyes rake over their bare torsos... visions of the dream play in my head...

A soft growl rumbles from North, snapping me back to the present.

The looks on their faces are... predatory. Exciting to the shifter in me.

"Let's go then," Owen commands.

I face back to the entrance and, with them behind me I strip quickly, tossing my clothes to the side, not caring about folding them. The night air cools my heated skin and for a moment I pause to enjoy it. I hear North curse behind me, "I'll go ahead." Before he's run past, he shifts and his wolf keeps going.

Owen silently moves and he's directly behind me, I can feel his body heat on my back. Sweet shivers course though my body, his electricity caressing me with a feather light touch. He gently brushes my hair off my shoulder, baring my neck. His hand reaches over my shoulder and his fingers gently run across the base of my throat and my collarbone. I feel my eyes go black. All else disappears, I'm only in this moment.


I don't know what the hell I think I'm doing touching her.

I'm warring with myself inside.

She's young, just awakened, new to our world.

Yet she's all I've ever wanted, needed, desired.

The moonlight reveals the reaction my touch has on her skin.

Dammit. I have to stop.

It's enough that I was starting to have the most incredible and realistic dream of my life earlier about us... the three of us, until she woke up.

I drop my hand. "We better catch up with North." I quickly shift before I do anything else stupid.

My wolf looks at her, confusion and yearning is written all over her beautiful face. God I know how she feels.

In the next moment she shifts and we run, following North back home.

All I ask is for a moment of... normalcy, when we get there. 

In The Shadows - Fan Fiction Version by KatydidsWhere stories live. Discover now