Company For Breakfast

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When I wake up in the morning, Kota's gone.

I have no idea what time he left. I can hear my family moving about downstairs. I look at my phone and see it's only seven o'clock. Even on Sundays they start early. I lie there for a moment, thinking about last night. After a while, I did finally relax and find his arms around me to be a comfort. Maybe even more than that, but that's something I can't think about right now. I'm affected by all of them.

Deciding I might as well start my day, too, I get up and head to my bathroom to take a shower. After stripping my clothes, I examine myself in the mirror.

My body will eventually have the ability to turn into a wolf.

The thought is freaky and bizarre. What does my wolf look like? They said before, it hurts the first time you shift. How much?

I shake the thoughts and jump in the shower.

After I'm dressed, I go downstairs. "You're up early." Mom smiles.

"I know," I mumble.

"I have to head to work soon. Could I borrow your green button up sweater? I haven't finished unpacking all the boxes yet and can't find mine." Mom and I sometimes share tops.

"Sure. I haven't washed it yet from wearing it to school yesterday." I tell her.

She waves her hand. "That's fine, I'll have to wash it after work anyways."

I trudge up to my room and grab the sweater for her.

After she leaves for work, I find out my grandparents are going for a "Sunday drive." I'm invited along but tell them I have a book I've been wanting to read and may catch a movie later. They say goodbye and leave for their day together, probably not coming home until dinner time.

With the house empty, I stand in the kitchen, wondering what to do and feeling oddly lonely. I used to like being by myself. As I'm zoning out, someone knocks loudly on the door, scaring the life out of me. When my heart returns to its proper place, I open it to find Luke and Silas grinning at me.

"Want some company?" Luke asks.

His smile is contagious. "Sure." I let them in, already feeling better just having them around.

"Have you had breakfast yet?" Silas rubs his belly.

"Not yet." Do they normally get up so early on the weekend?

"Good," he replies, and opens the fridge, taking out milk and eggs.

"I hear you like chocolate chip pancakes," Luke says, opening cupboards and finding the pancake mix.

I watch them take over Grandma's kitchen then giggle when I see them don her aprons. Luke wearing the "Kiss the Cook" one and Silas the floral one with ruffles on the edges. They look ridiculous and I know they are doing it to make me laugh.

Silas pulls out one of the stools at the kitchen island and tells me to sit. I do and allow myself to be entertained. Silas is a quiet kind of guy, but seeing his huge body wearing the apron is entertainment enough. Luke on the other hand, takes it to the next level, talking like Julia Child as he makes the pancakes.

By the time they're done, my belly hurts from laughing so much. Luke's eyes twinkle as he sets a plate of pancakes and bacon in front of me.

"Bon appetit," he says.

"Thank you."

They make their plates and eat at the island with me. "You don't have to work at the diner today?" I ask.

Luke answers. "Nope. Kota and Nathan do today. The rest are busy doing other things."

"So what are your plans for today?" I take another bite.

Silas gives me a mega watt smile. "That's up to you, Aggele."

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