How To Heal A Broken Heart

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I wake to commotion downstairs.

I look at where Gabe and Luke should be sleeping and notice their beds are empty. Throwing back the covers, I climb out of the bed and walk to the top of the stairs and listen.

People are rushing around and I can hear Holly quietly crying. What happened?

I quickly go down the stairs and halt. The guys are all gathered in the living room with Holly, minus Sean, Ethan, and Owen. Silas is hugging her as she cries against his strong chest. The others look completely lost and depressed.

Kota looks up and sees me. His hair is disheveled from running his hand through it over and over.

"What happened?" I whisper, when he gets up and is in front of me.

"Finn stopped breathing."

I gasp and cover my mouth, "Is he... ?"

Kota shakes his head. "Sean and Ethan were able to revive him."

"Did they call for an ambulance?" I feel like I should do something. I can do that.

He shakes his head again and whispers, "There's no point. Finn's doctor told Holly and Ethan he only had a few weeks left at the most. They brought him here for a last visit." Kota's green eyes get misty. "Sean said he only has a day or two at this point. His heart took a big hit." He swallows hard. "They want him to spend his last days here where he loves to be."

My own eyes water.

Finn, so full of life while his weak body is dying. It's not right. We were just laughing and cheating together a few hours ago. I feel my wolf get angry and sad too.

"Is there anything I can do?"

He gives me a weak smile. "No."

I nod and sit between North and Nathan on the couch. Joining in the somber vigil...


"Sang! How are you sweetie?"

Mom's cheerful voice immediately makes me want to cry. "Not good," I tell her, holding the phone more tightly in my hand.

"What's wrong? What happened?" her voice is now filled with panic.

I tell her about Finn and his parents.

I'm behind the house under the maple tree. It's lit up with color and I stare at a leaf as it meanders it's way from the branch it came from to the golden grass.

We stayed up all night. Finn finally woke this morning. He looks awful. His skin has a frightening pale gray hue to it. His eyes are rimmed with red and the life that would sometimes spark in his eyes is gone. Sean put him on an IV to keep him hydrated.

"I don't think you guys should come visit today, Mom."

"I understand. Joe will probably want to go though. I'll tell him if he doesn't already know... Sang?"


"I love you."

I sniff. "I love you too, Mom."

I lean back against the tree, closing my eyes and comb my fingers through the crispy grass. My stomach rumbles, it's past lunch time, but there's no way I could eat.

The back door opens and Ethan and Holly come out. I'm shocked to see Ethan carrying Finn.

He's awake and resting his head on his dad's shoulder.

"Finn wanted to come outside for a bit," Holly smiles.

Poor woman. The smile is completely put on for Finn's sake. Her eyes are red and her face lined with stress. She's carrying a couple wool blankets and pillows.

In The Shadows - Fan Fiction Version by KatydidsWhere stories live. Discover now