What Was That???

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Before she even bumps into me, I pick up her scent. I've been waiting for it, wanting to know for myself what my brothers are going on about. I feel her bump into my back and turn, excited to finally see her.

F***. I wasn't prepared. I thought I was, but that was just a bunch of s***. Her gorgeous eyes rake over my features and I'm done. Not even a few seconds and I can't contain myself anymore. My pupils dilate and know she sees it. I breathe in harder and her scent intoxicates me. I want to touch her skin, breathe in every inch of her body. I step closer and hear her heart race. My own matches the speed. I bend and graze my nose against her cheek, sliding it up to her temple, inhaling the moment. It's too much and I release a growl, feeling myself begin to shift, lose control. Strong hands grab me and pull me away. My animal takes over and fights.

Damn it, Sean was right.


Kota immediately blocks my view, but I hear crashing and commotion then the front door opens and slams, somewhat muffling the sounds. I look at Kota, questioning what's going on, but he just watches me.

I jump when I hear snarling and growling. Kota closes his eyes, seeming annoyed and I step around him to see what's going on outside. I look out the front door window and see Silas blocking a huge black snarling wolf from coming up the porch. I gasp and press a hand to my heart. The others are outside, watching, seemingly unconcerned. So many questions hit me at once, I can't even process them.

Where did the wolf come from?

Is Silas going to get hurt?

And where's North?


Goddamn it! Leave it to North to f****** lose it. I look back at the front door and see Sang standing there in the window, her beautiful eyes wide and her hand pressed to her chest.


I look down at the dips*** when I notice he stopped snarling. He's staring straight at Sang. That's right a**hole, she's watching you.

North turns around and takes off for the forest, behind the barn.

We all just stand there. Well what the hell do we do now? What the f*** do we say?


The black wolf looks up and stares at me. I can't take my eyes away, it's so beautiful. Suddenly it turns and runs away into the forest. I back away from the door, completely confused

Kota walks up to me, "Sang-"

The door opens and the others file in the room. They're all quiet and just watch me. Do they expect me to say something? Shouldn't they be explaining what's going on? I see them look at each other, silently communicating. I think about how North, at least I think that was him, put his face next to mine and...and......sniffed me. That did happen. And then he growled. Like a d-

Oh my god. No. That doesn't happen. It's not possible......

The Guys

They watch her face, reading her reaction. They see confusion, then disbelief, and finally shock. She looks around the room at them and takes a step back.


Owen breaks the silence, "Miss Sorenson....Sang, I'm sure you're wondering what that was all about."

She nods her head, looking from one to the other, wringing her hands and biting her lip. They sense her fear and notice the change in her scent from it.

Owen talks softly, "I can assure you, you are safe with us. If you want to asks questions, you can."

"Was that guy, North?" she asks softly.


"Was.......the wolf?"


I just go ahead and ask. I don't even care if it ends up being a stupid question and they laugh at me. That's fine. But something deep inside, tells me I'm right. I wait for Owen to answer my second question. The others seem to be holding their breaths. I guess I am, too.


I stand there, numb. He said "yes." That guy, North, turned into a wolf.

My poor brain can't even function. I don't know what to do or say. Should I try to run? Would they chase after me? How can I outrun eight guys?

Sean takes a step forward. "I know this is a lot to process, why don't you have a seat. We'll all have a seat and talk."

I rigidly sink onto the edge of a chair. They all scatter around the room and settle down.

"How?" I ask.

Kota leans forward, "Humans use the terms werewolves, lycanthropes, shifters, and have various myths behind them. We just go by "shifters" ourselves."

"Does he change into other things too?"

"No. Shifters only turn into wolves."

"Is he dangerous?"

Luke speaks up, "No. Although, some are. But that's the case with humans too. It has nothing to do with being a shifter, just the kind of person you are."

I try to recall any stories I've ever read. "There isn't a full moon."

Nathan smiles. "It doesn't matter, they can change at any time."

"So he wanted to......shift?"

Silas sighs, "No. He just lost control."

"His eyes turned black."

Victor nods, "That's the initial stage of shifting."

I've seen all of their eyes turn black......

I swallow, "You all are. Aren't you?"

"Oy, please don't freak out," Gabe begs.

I laugh internally. I just found out I'm in a room with eight guys that can turn into wolves at any moment. I'm not going crazy. Nope, I'm actually surrounded by werewolves or shifters or whatever they call themselves. I feel like I should be freaking out about it more than I am. I know I should be. Any normal girl would. But, I'm oddly calm.

And that freaks me out more than anything.

In The Shadows - Fan Fiction Version by KatydidsWhere stories live. Discover now