A Freak Among Freaks

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Ethan won't let me near Finn.

He walks over to the door and shuts it so I can't see or be in the room with everyone. I can hear objections to him doing that but don't bother to stick around and listen. I walk out the house and sit on the porch step.

What did we do to him?

I pull at my wolf, urging her to somehow answer me. Why were his eyes black? Is he going to be okay?

She sends me feelings of reassurance. Alright, so he'll be okay.

Is he well? Is he all better?

She sends the same.

His eyes bother me, though. The guys' eyes, and apparently mine, look like that when emotions are high or when shifting. Does it mean he can... shift somehow?

She starts to get excited.

You... we turned him into a shifter?!

Her excitement escalates.

I bite at my thumbnail and my knee starts bouncing. I recall what I was told. That when a shifter goes through their awakening, any ailments they had prior are gone. It makes sense. He went through some kind of awakening and is cured. He's a shifter.

Oh my god.

I start to panic. They said you can't turn a human, and he was most definitely human.

What does it mean for him? What does it mean about me?

I'm a freak among... freaks.

No, they're not freaks. Just me.

Joe pulls up in his car and rushes out. "Your Mom called me at the diner and told me about Finn. I was just doing some inventory while it's closed." He pauses next to me on the step. "Are you okay?"

I shake my head.

"You've gotten close to him haven't you? It's easy to do, he's so loveable." His voice is thick with emotion. "I didn't realize how bad his heart had gotten... and to know he only has a couple days... "

I look up at him. "He's not sick anymore."


I stand up and wrap my arms around myself. "I discovered my ability. I have one. Well, more than one."

His eyes widen. "You, you cured him?"

"Technically... yes."

"What do you mean?"

"I turned him... into a shifter. My wolf bit him and he became unconscious and just woke up. They're trying to figure out what's going on, but my wolf knows." I shrug and feebly whisper, "He looks great, but, his eyes are black."

"Good god, Sang."

I scuff the toe of my shoe on the step. "Yeah."

"I'm going to go inside, you coming?"

"Um, Ethan doesn't want me around. I'll stay out here."

Joe narrows his eyes and nods his head. "Okay, I'll be back in a bit."


He quickly goes inside and shuts the door.

Home. I want to go home. But how do I tell them this? Poor Mom won't know what to do or say. Will she now be afraid of me? My wolf?

My eyes start to burn. I wish dad was here. He would know. He could help. But he's not, and no one can help or explain to me what I am, why I can do that. No one's done it before.

I walk down the steps and around the house. The window to Joe's room is up ahead. I can hear their voices but I don't put the effort into discerning the words.

I step out of my shoes and take off my jeans and sweater, just leaving my underwear on. I have to get away. Just for a little while at least. Pulling at my wolf, I let her take over and quickly shift.

She looks around and then across the field to the forest. I push at her, letting her know I want to go.

Like a rocket, we take off.

In The Shadows - Fan Fiction Version by KatydidsWhere stories live. Discover now