That's One Way To End A Fight

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Damn it, I'm feeling like this will never end, or end badly for us.

We finish off the shifter that was stupid to pick me to fight when we hear Al and Uncle yelling Finn's name. We spin around and see him charging down the porch steps since they're unable to hold him back with their human strength. I quickly shift and run up to him. Stopping him in whatever path he was taking.

"I can help North." He stares at the ground.

My heart goes out to him. I can't even think about Ethan, we all saw it. "You'll help by staying where you're safe, Finn." He turns his face up at me and I hold back my shock. Holy sh*t! His eyes are glowing, tears streaming out of them.


"I have an ability that will end this fight North. Let me do it. Please."

I narrow my eyes at him and blindly reach out at the smaller wolf that lunges at us from the side, squeezing it's neck until it's lifeless on the ground.

"You're not killing."

He's quiet for a moment. "Fine, but I'll make it easier for everyone."

I nod. "Show me."

He casually walks up to the shifter that's knocked Sean's wolf over. Before Sean's wolf can get up, Finn reaches out and touches the attacking wolf. It immediately stills, unable to move, it's eyes widening with fright. It then shudders and shifts to human form. Stunned.

Sean's wolf jumps on him and easily finishes him off.


Finn looks up at me with his glowing blue eyes. "I took away his connection to his wolf," he blandly states. "It's only for a while, but you won't need much time anyway."

Holy sh*t.


I'm amazed by my wolf.

She's fierce and accurate, her smaller size means nothing.

Luke's is fighting two at once while we have the third, the one that took Ethan down. He thinks he's toying with us. Little does he know it's the other way around.

He attacks again and we roll to the ground, feigning injury. We loll our head to the side, panting, making it look like a broken neck. He stands over us, giving what looks like a smile, ready to drag me away.

He stretches his neck, reaching for our leg with his teeth. That's when we twist and reach up with a snap, sinking our teeth into his neck. I can feel his shock and he struggles to shake us off. We instinctively gather our electricity. It's strong. Stronger than I realized it could be. It's pulsates, feeling good to us, painful to him.

He seizes and my wolf ends the game.

We stare at our first kill. I can feel her satisfaction... and shock that goes with it.

The growling from Luke's wolf, and the two he's fighting, draws our attention and we jump in to help...


Luke's wolf and mine are able to overpower the wolves we're fighting.

We take a moment to catch our breaths when we hear... Finn? ...yelling.

We whip around and he's casually walking toward where Owen and Cole are facing off against Cole's father and brother, North and Sean's wolves following.

Fear grips us. What is he doing?!

"Thomas!!" he yells.

Cole's dad stops for a moment to see who calls him. When his wolf sees it's just a boy, he snarls, showing his sharp teeth in a true, wolfish, smile. It catches the attention of Levi and Owen's wolves. We all stare as Finn gets closer and that's when my wolf rushes in his path to stop him.

We couldn't bear for him to get hurt... killed.

He looks at us and that's when we see his eyes are glowing. "It's okay, Sang. He can't hurt me."

He turns to Cole's wolf, "Cole, back away for a moment."

Cole's wolf cocks his head to the side as he takes a few steps back.

"Will you ever leave Sang alone?" Finn asks.

Thomas's wolf snarls louder.

"I didn't think so. It's your fault my dad's dead too." Finn's voice is flat, void of emotion. "I could kill you, you know, but I'll leave that to Cole or Sang."

Thomas's wolf growls and stalks toward Finn who patiently waits.

Mine growls a warning in return.

Finn holds a hand out toward us, "Don't worry, Sang."

Thomas's wolf stops not two feet from Finn. He then lifts his front legs off the ground like Owen did the night I spied on them and got caught. His lips slowly pull back, intimidating as he towers over Finn, about to devour him.

Without preamble, Finn reaches out and touches the wolf's chest, electricity rolling off him.

The wolf jerks for a moment, eyes wide in terror then... he shudders and Thomas, in human form, collapses to the ground.

We stare in shock. What did he do?

Cole's dad shakes with fear and fury on the grass. "You little sh*t! What did you do?!"

Finn glances at us. "I have the ability to take someone's wolf away." He gives a half smile and shrugs. "Pretty cool, huh?"

"How can you do that?!" Thomas shrieks.

Finn shoots him a dark look. "You'll never know." With that, he turns and walks back to the house, past all the shifters that have paused in their fighting, stunned by what they've seen.

I look back at Cole's dad who now realizes it's over for him. Cole's wolf slowly walks toward him, his lip curling and eyes focused on his prey. His eyes dart to us for a moment, I push for my wolf to take a step back, letting him know he's his.

When he sees this, he pounces on his screaming father, grabbing him by the arm and drags him into the dark forest.

In The Shadows - Fan Fiction Version by KatydidsWhere stories live. Discover now