Carry On As Normal

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The four of us run to the house together where everyone seems to be waiting outside.

I'm surprised to see my family here. They haven't seen me when I've shifted before. My wolf feels nervous too, wanting to be accepted by them.

Finn's wolf is glued to my side as we slowly get closer.

They all stand and look at me with wonder. "You're beautiful," Mom breathes out.

My wolf walks up to her and Mom runs her hands over our coat. Grandma presses a hand to her heart. "My land. I can't believe this is you, dear. It's amazing." She gently strokes my back.

Grandpa crouches, his old knees cracking as he does, and looks into my wolf's eyes. He grins, "Still got your pretty green eyes." She nuzzles his face and he chuckles.

Finn's wolf wiggles his way between me and my mother, wanting attention. She softly laughs at him. "We already met, silly. I'm interested in meeting Finn, the boy, too though."

I'm also interested in seeing him. Talking to him, and making sure he's really okay with all this.

I need to go somewhere to privately shift. Shifting in front of my pack is one thing, for some odd reason, but there's no way I'm doing it in front of everyone else.

North and Owen come out of the house having already shifted back and dressed. "Sang, we left the door open so you can go upstairs and get dressed," North says.

We nuzzle my grandpa one more time and turn to go inside, Finn still stuck to me.

We've almost reached the porch when we're deafened by North's bellowing rage.

"What. The. F***. Happened. To my BABY!!!!!"

From the porch light we see North, fists clenched and breathing heavily, looking down at the mangled remains of his motorcycle with a look of horror on his face.

Finn's wolf whimpers next to me and presses himself even closer.



North's muttering and cursing can be heard outside.

Ethan and Grandpa are out there with him. Holly, Mom and Grandma are getting the dinner together that Grandma and Luke made.

Finn and I share a glance.

"Should I go say sorry now?" He grimaces with every clang of North's tools.

Silas chuckles. "I'd give him a little more time."

Finn throws his head back on the couch and closes his bright blue eyes. "My wolf got a little out of control."

I know what that's like...

"A little?!" Gabe glares at Finn.

Finn lifts his head to look at Gabe, "I'm sorry. Okay? It just felt so good, so free. I didn't know that's what it was like. I was so happy and... I kind of went ape... and so did my wolf."

Silas reaches over and tousles Finn's hair with his big hand, making him grin a little. "Ah, don't worry. North will get over it."

Luke chuffs, "Yeah, in a hundred years or two." I shoot daggers at him on behalf of Finn, but Luke starts laughing, "Oh god! That was priceless. The look on his face! Holy crap, I almost pissed myself from laughing." He holds his flat belly as he starts up again.

His laughter begins a chain reaction and soon we're all going at poor North's expense.


In The Shadows - Fan Fiction Version by KatydidsWhere stories live. Discover now