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I stomp down the porch steps, the others following.

Uncle gets in his car with Kota and Luke and they quickly drive off. I hope that's where she went, but instinct tells me she didn't.

Damn it! This is the worst time for her to take off!

I have no idea what Cole and his pack are up to. I do know they'll be back. There's no way they won't try to have her, especially with his twisted father's influence.

And we still have no clue what exactly will happen with Finn. She's the only one that may be able to figure it out.

North, Gabe, Nathan, Victor and I quickly strip as Ethan makes his way from the barn.

"What's going on?" He rushes over, seeing that we're about to shift.

"Sang's missing." I yank down my jeans and boxers with a vengeance. "Nathan found her clothes, she shifted and took off without telling me."

Doesn't she realize as part of pack, she needs to let us know what she's doing?! Let me know...

Nathan, Victor and Gabe take off for the forest, shifting as they run.

"I'm coming with you." Ethan strips off his clothes too. "Who's staying here?"

"Sean and Silas are with Holly and Finn. They're going to monitor him."

"Wait for me." He runs in the house and is back in moments with Sean. "Where were her clothes?"

"Around back," North says.

We're about to take off when Sean calls out to me. We halt.

"When her ancestors used their abilities, they sometimes became weak for a while after. If that's the case with her, and she's shifted too. She may completely drain herself and be vulnerable."

I nod my understanding. We run around the side of the house and shift.

My wolf inhales, easily finding what remains of her scent. We look to our sides at Ethan and North's wolves. They're both alert. Ethan's has had a chance now to become familiar with her scent and we fly across the field to the surrounding forest.

If anyone's found her and hurt her, I'll kill them.

If she's okay, I'm going to teach her a lesson she'll never forget.


We're quiet on the short drive to the Holden's.

Uncle has a death grip on the steering wheel.

"Are you okay?" I ask, drumming my fingers on my knee. I'm stressed out and worried too, but I'm a bit surprised how much Sang's disappearance is affecting him.

"What the hell am I going to tell her if she's not there?"

"You mean June?" Luke leans forward from the back.

He nods furiously. "She's been put through the ringer and now I have to tell her that her daughter's disappeared?!"

"We'll find her," I say. A million thoughts race through my mind as to what could happen to her though.

Uncle's lips thin as we pull into the Holden's driveway. Mr. Holden is tinkering under the hood of Sang's Bronco. He wipes his hands on a cloth and strides up to us as we get out.

He smiles, "You brought visitors back with you. How you boys doing?"

Luke and I glance at each other.

Uncle steps forward, getting right to the point. "Al, have you seen or heard from Sang?"

Al's smile quickly fades. He looks at Luke and me. "Isn't she at the house with you all?"

I shake my head. "She... took off. She shifted and left without letting us know. She hasn't been gone long," I hurriedly add. "Owen and North are tracking her and Victor, Nathan, and Gabe are sweeping the forest."

"Why in the Sam Hill would she do that?! What the hell happened?!" He takes a step forward, a thunderous look on his weathered face.

"Why don't we go inside and fill you and June in," Uncle suggests.

Mr. Holden leads the way, "Make it quick. As soon as you're done, I'm going after her."

Something tells me there's no stopping the old man.

In The Shadows - Fan Fiction Version by KatydidsWhere stories live. Discover now