Meeting The Rest

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My mom was happy when she learned I made friends and that they would be picking me up to work on an assignment. My grandmother even make a batch of brownies to bring "those poor sweet boys."

Silas and Victor pulled up in the drive at exactly five o'clock. They came to the house and met my mother. She vigorously shook their hands and introduced herself as, "Sang's mom, June Sorenson."

They were polite and welcomed her to town. My mom was pleased. She turned to me, "Your grandparents are going to take me to the diner for dinner tonight sweetheart. But if you need me to pick you up just call."

"I should be fine," I assured her.

"We'll give her a ride home whenever she's ready and definitely by ten," Victor tells her.

My mom beams at him and I blush. I know she's wondering if I'll be dating him or Silas. Although I've never had a boyfriend. Why would she think one of them would ever want to be?

We say goodbye and get in Victor's car. The short drive there I'm bathed in the electricity I feel from them. It's almost becoming addicting to me now. Do they feel it, too?

"You'll get to meet the others tonight," Silas says.

"What are their names?" I ask.

"North, Sean, and Owen."

"And they're out of high school?"

"Sean and Owen are twenty. Sean's a doctor actually, and Owen works from home most of the time, but he does a lot of freelance work for various companies. They're both really smart. North is the same age as us.....but, wasn't at school today."

I nod my head, taking in the names and information. That will be a lot of people for me to be around. Especially when they're all guys. My heart beat picks up.

Victor looks at me in the mirror and Silas turns around. "Are you okay?"

How do they know? "I'm fine, just a little nervous. I never really hang out with people. I'm kind of a homebody," I explain.

Victor and Silas share a look. Do they think I'm weird?

"There's nothing wrong with that," Victor looks at me in the mirror. "But you don't need to be nervous, everyone's friendly."

I give him a small smile and tell myself to relax and enjoy the sensation when I'm around them.

There's nothing to worry about.

We pull up to their big farm house and I count four guys hanging out on the front covered porch. I recognize them, although it's beginning to get dark. I get out of the car carrying my school bag and the plate of brownies.

Kota immediately greets me, "Hi Sang." He pushes his glasses up.

"Hi, Kota, I brought brownies my grandmother made."

He takes the offered plate. "They look great and will be perfect for dessert."

"I hope you like beef stew," Luke grins. "That's what my brother and I made."

"It sounds delicious," I shyly say.

Nathan holds the front door open for me, "Come on in and meet the others."

I walk in, and the others follow, immediately entering a large living room with comfy furniture, a large TV, fireplace, wood floors and tan walls. It's very mannish, but also cozy. Especially with a fire roaring in the hearth.

Two guys walk in. One has sandy hair and a friendly face, the other is more serious and put together, with dark hair and glasses. Both are so handsome and a little older looking. Their expressions remain the same, but their eyes turn almost black and noses flare. I can feel the air crackle.

Kota introduces them, "Sang, this is Owen Blackbourne and Dr. Sean Green," he gestures.

I smile, "Hello."

"Welcome," Dr. Green says, "please call me Sean."

"It's nice to meet you," Owen replies and steps forward slowly, but purposefully.

Owen and Sean

Sweet lord. Sean wants to grab her and take her to his room. Her beauty is undeniable and scent incredibly alluring. He can't imagine what it will be like when she changes and it's stronger. He takes deep breaths, tamping his reaction and regaining control, although it's sweet torture. Good thing he gave North a little something to take the edge off. He just hopes it was enough.

Owen has always remained in control of himself, his emotions and reactions. But just now, it slipped for a moment and he wanted to be closer to her, to touch her, and stepped forward. He stopped himself and clamped his jaw so tight he felt it slightly crack. No matter, it will heal within a minute. Pain is actually good. It gives him something to focus on.


I think Owen is coming forward to shake my hand or something, but he suddenly stops.

The air feels thick and I need a moment. "May I use the bathroom?" I ask no one specific. I'm given eight directions at once as to the location of the nearest. Somehow, I manage to figure it out and with a, "thank you," go find it.

I shut the bathroom door and lean with my palms on the edge of the counter, staring into the mirror. I'm feeling overwhelmed. Something is off here. I don't feel like I'm in danger in any way or anything like that, my instincts tells me the opposite. That I'm where I should be and with people I should be with. How can that be? I don't even know them? And I think I'm going crazy, feeling electricity and seeing pupils dilate, turning browns, blues, greens and grays, black.

I splash some water on my face and pat it dry with the towel. I bend over the sink and look at myself in the mirror again. I'm still the same girl I was this morning. Nothing looks crazy about me. I clear my head of any foolish notions and take a cleansing breath, opening the door. I round the corner from the hall to the family room and run smack into someone's back. He turns around as I give an apology and my knees go week. This must be North.

He's the epitome of tall, dark and handsome. Almost as tall as Silas with broad shoulders and tan skin. His face is covered in dark scruff, making him look sexy and dangerous. And I see it. I know I do. I'm not crazy. His dark brown eyes turn black as his pupils dilate to a point I think impossible. His chest rises as he breathes in deeply, staring down at me. He steps forward and our bodies are so close I can feel his body heat. My heart skips and then the beat quickens. He leans forward, his nose brushing against my cheek and up to my temple as he inhales. I feel jolts of delicious electricity and I'm frozen as I hear what I swear is a deep growl come up his throat. His body ripples and shakes and suddenly he's jerked away.

In The Shadows - Fan Fiction Version by KatydidsWhere stories live. Discover now