Enjoying The View

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My toes curl into the cool floor of the cave.

I swear, I'm going to find a way to hurt her without hurting myself. Some kind of punishment. Others must have had this problem before!

I bolster my courage and stand straight, pretending I meant to shift. I look at Sean.

He's about to bust a gut.

Owen stands with his arms crossed and a brow raised.

The rest are... enjoying the view. Some are more obvious about it than others.


I lift my chin and walk up to Sean, grabbing my clothes.

"Having a little difficulty, are you?" he ribs.

I turn to go out the cave and change, then realize there's no point. I throw on my sweater and step into my underwear. "Nothing I can't handle." I reply, shaking out my jeans.

I want the ground to swallow me up.

"I like her wolf." Silas says, leaning back and watching me.

I glare at him as I pull up my jeans. North smacks the back of his head.


I finish dressing, putting on socks and sneakers. I look up to find them still staring. I raise my own brow. "Don't expect me to give any of you privacy when you shift."

Take that.

They all smile... Silas with the biggest grin of all.  

In The Shadows - Fan Fiction Version by KatydidsWhere stories live. Discover now