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Third period was void of any guys with some kind of crazy electric pull surrounding them. I don't know what's weirder, the way they act, or how I feel when they're near. It's like I'm drawn to them for some reason, besides how gorgeous they are. The feeling's strong and scares me. Am I completely turning into a freak?

Biology is over and now it's my lunch period. The most hated moment in a new student's school career. I enter the cafeteria and immediately get into line, grabbing a tray. I look at the food, feigning interest in the various gelatinous choices, then settle on the safer option of the salad bar instead.

Once I've put together a lunch I know I'll barely touch from nerves, I look around the lunch room for a spot to sit.

Luke, Gabe, Nathan, Victor, Kota

They've gathered at their usual spot in the cafeteria, the corner table in the back, surrounded by windows. No one's interested in eating though, they want Kota to tell them what Owen and Sean said when he went home and anything he learned.

"I had Silas tell them everything he told me, and then we gave them what little information we have on her so far," he says.

"What did they say? What do they think?" Victor asks.

"Sean was immediately excited and wants to meet her. Owen, was hard to read as usual, but wants to talk to her. I showed them the picture you took of her, too. Owen doesn't want to tell others about her or ask questions until after. In the meantime, he and Sean are doing all the research they can on their own, but they did reiterate what we do know."

"That the last female died three hundred years ago," Luke supplies.

Kota nods his head, "And her description and picture match how beautiful they were, as well as the reaction you've been having to her."

"How is it she hasn't been discovered before? There are packs in California, there are packs all over the world. It doesn't make sense." Nathan shakes his head.

"That's one of the mysteries we're going to try to solve," Kota says. "The answer must lie with her father, but he's dead. Owen is looking for any information he can find online. It'll take time though, all we know is his last name was Sorenson, he had a wife and daughter, and died six months ago in California in a car accident."

"That had to be a hell of a car accident to kill a-" Gabe cuts off, distracted as the girl they're discussing enters the cafeteria.

The others look in the direction he's staring and test the air for her scent, Victor, Luke and Gabe immediately finding it. Kota and Nathan take a moment, then it hits them. They all watch as she goes through the lunch line, Kota and Nathan turned in their seats to see. Once she finishes at the salad bar she walks out from behind it, looking up and around the room.

Her eyes immediately land on them.

Kota's dumbstruck. He listened to the others describe how it felt when they saw her, but to actually experience it is a completely different matter. He knows his eyes have turned black, and he forces himself to look away, regain control. He starts counting.

"Holy hell," Nathan mutters. He wants to get up, walk over to her and run his nose up the side of her neck to her jawline, inhaling as much of her scent as possible. He turns back around and digs his nails into the jeans covering his thighs, making himself focus.

The other three are having a slightly easier time, already having gotten over the initial shock. But it's still not easy. Gabe's feeling warm, Luke is a bit shaky again and Victor's eyes are an inferno.


I immediately see Victor and the two guys in my geometry class. There are two others with them as well. One has dark hair and glasses the other is a muscular redhead. And once again, they're beautiful. They stare at me for a moment then turn back around, obviously unimpressed. I see Victor say something to the others, then he waves at me to join them.

Should I?

It's better than standing here with my tray, being stared at by the other students. I hesitantly walk forward to join them, the electricity getting stronger. What is that? It doesn't hurt, it feels...nice, natural. What's wrong with me?

I set my tray on the spot next to the guy with the glasses, across from Victor. "Hi," I say shyly. I feel them all stiffen a bit as I begin to sit down. Maybe he wasn't inviting me to sit with them after all. "I'm sorry, I thought..." I straddle the bench seat, unsure what to do.

"Please, have a seat," the guy next to me says.

I sit and shyly look around at them. They all smile at me but look slightly pained as well.

"I'm Kota," my neighbor says.

"I'm Sang."

He nods and Victor speaks up, introducing the others. "Sang, this is Nathan, Luke and Gabe. Silas and I are friends with them, we all actually live together."

Six of them. I go over the names in my head, committing them to memory. "My grandfather said a group of boys lived down the road that went to this school. Must be you guys." Wow, I can't believe I spoke that much.

"That's us," Luke says. "There are actually ten guys in all. Nine our age or a few years older and my uncle."

There's three more of them? "Your uncle owns the diner?"

He smiles, "Yep. You should try it out. The food's great."

I nod and smile.

"It's way better than this s***," Gabe mumbles, eyeing his tray with disgust. He looks at me and winks.

My face heats. A guy like him actually winked at me!

When he sees me blush, I swear his chest puffs a bit and his pupils dilate.

"What classes do you have this afternoon?" Kota asks, drawing my attention.

"Ah...," I get out my schedule, "gym, history, and art."

He thinks for a moment. "That's good," he says.

I nod in agreement, although clueless as to what exactly is 'good' about it.

Nathan leans forward to look at me, "So, how do you like it here in Montana?"

I bite my lip, thinking. How do I like it?

"Well, my grandparents are really nice, I never knew them that well. People seem friendly around here." Except for some of the girls, I think to myself. "And it's beautiful, the forests and mountains." I pause for a moment, "I like how quiet it is at night," I smile. "Unless the wolves are howling, but I love their sound."

Luke chokes on his drink, spitting it at Kota.

In The Shadows - Fan Fiction Version by KatydidsWhere stories live. Discover now