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I take a deep breath, calming down my worry and then look around the room. They looked worried themselves, like they're the humans and I'm going to shift into a wolf or something. I clear my throat, "I have some more questions?"

"Of course," Owen says. They all seem to relax.

"Are you the only ones? Or are there more?"

Kota answers. "There are shifters in various parts of the world, but only several hundred. A very small percentage in comparison to the human population."

"Are there others in your.....group?"

Luke shakes his head, "No. Uncles lives with us, but he's completely human."

"There are several packs in the northern US and Canada, and some loners," Nathan says. "We generally stay in our own territories, but visit on occasion."

I have so many questions bouncing in my head, I try to focus on one.

"How did it happen?" I ask. "How did you all become one?"

Sean answers, "All shifters are born as such but appear as only human until their "awakening." That's the first time they shift or change. The shifter gene lies dormant until the person is bitten by another shifter that's in their wolf form. Biting a human who doesn't have the gene won't do anything, except leave a bite mark."

"So, you were each bitten?"

They nod.

"What happens if someone with the gene is never bitten?"

Sean continues, "They would remain human to the outside world, but it's not good for them. If you never go through your awakening, it's like.....you're missing a part of yourself. It slowly eats away at you until your mind can no longer handle it and you become insane."

"Would biting them cure them?"

"No, it's too late at that point and you then would have a dangerous, insane shifter out there."

Yeah, that probably wouldn't be good.

They chuckle and I realize I said it out loud.

"So your parents are all shifters?"

Victor shakes his head. "Only our fathers."

"So your moms are....."

"Human," Victor finishes.

"Did your mothers know about it, before....?"

He smiles. "Yes. Shifters and humans are, um,.....compatible." He blushes and I do too.

"Do you have siblings? Are they shifters?"

"Some of us do," Kota says, "but they're not shifters. Not every child born of one carries the gene."

I try and process the information.

"So the mother or father shifter can tell if their child has the gene?"

Luke speaks up. "Yes, as well as any other shifter."


"Everyone has a unique scent to them, even humans. Shifters have a distinct one only another can smell. Even on those who haven't had their awakening yet." He looks like he has more to say, but stops.

I ask another question. "Do you have other abilities?"

Silas smiles. "We're stronger than any human." He nods at Gabe. "Even he is."

Gabe glares at him then looks at me. "We also heal quickly from injuries and have heightened senses even when we don't shift."

I just sit and quietly look at them. They all seem so different. I wonder if they would have been friends if they weren't shifters. It makes me wonder. "How did you all meet?"

Owen explains. "Up north, in Canada, is a prestigious boys' school. It's very hard to get into. That's because it only accepts shifters. It's also the hub of all shifter activity in the US and Canada. It's called 'The Academy.' Usually, at the age of fourteen, most decide to go through their awakening. The boys are monitored during the process, safely away from humans, since they can get.....a little out of hand at that time. There are Academies in several locations around the world. It's also a meeting ground for joining and forming new packs. The nine of us decided to become our own."

"Do the girls have their own school too?"

They look at each other and finally Owen answers my question. "There isn't a girls school."

I'm confused. "Why not?"

"Because there are currently no female shifters. There haven't been for about three hundred years."

I raise my brows. "What happened?"

Sean shifts in his seat, "We don't really know, they just stopped being born. Only males have been. We have our own scientists and doctors that have been trying to solve the mystery for many years."

Wow. "So they just died off?"

They nod.

I hear a back door open and shut and heavy feet run up the stairs.

"North's back," Luke says.

I shift and bite my lip, nervous.

Kota smiles at me. "He'll be fine now. It was just the initial-," he cuts himself off. "He'll be fine now," he repeats.

Initial what?

Footsteps slowly come back down the stairs. I can sense when he's entered the room behind me, smell his musk scent. Feel the added electricity in the room. What do the people at school think about it? Do they wonder what it is when they feel it?

I slowly spin in my seat and look up at him. He's wearing all black again, but different clothes. His others are probably in pieces outside. His arms are crossed and he looks like he's on the defense. I turn my head back and see the others watching him intently. Some look irritated. They must be mad at him for shifting.

I don't like the idea of them not getting along. Although I don't know North, the others have been so nice to me. Telling me something most of the world doesn't know about. I feel like I should do something to relieve the tension rolling around the room.

I stand and walk over to North. His eyes widen in surprise and he uncrosses his arms, letting them hang at his sides. I hear the others move and get up.

I shyly smile up at him, "I don't think we've been properly introduced," I extend my hand. "I'm Sang."

He hesitates a moment, looking at my offered hand, then takes it in his. Mine feels so tiny in comparison. He looks in my eyes and for a split second his go black but return to normal. He gives me a small smile. "I'm North."

I raise a brow, suddenly feeling brave. "And what do I call you when you're a wolf?"

His thick brow raises in return, "You can call me anything you want, Baby."

In The Shadows - Fan Fiction Version by KatydidsWhere stories live. Discover now