Back At The Cave

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I pace back and forth at the cave entrance like a caged animal.

It seems like it's taking him forever to get her here. What the hell? I could have run there and back by now.

A thought hits me and I halt. He better not be doing... what I'd want to be doing. My chest vibrates with a growl at the very thought.

I tell myself to calm down before my temper gets the better of me. Owen can control himself. I would too, although difficult. Plus, she's in no condition for it.

Then it hits me. Her scent. My eyes go black as I inhale deeply, focusing on her exotic fragrance. God I can't get enough of it.

As they enter the cave, I grab the blanket I got out of the bin for her.

I notice two things at once. How beautiful and curvy her sweet body is, and that Owen obviously thinks the same thing. He's saluting me with his f***ing erection.

He also looks like he's in pain.


I could have carried her back, but he pulled alpha. Serves him right.

I lay the blanket on top of her as Owen puts her in my arms. Right where she should be.

He quickly spins around before she can see and heads toward the stream. I can't help the chuckle.

Sang looks up at me with black eyes. "Where's he going?"

"He needs to cool off."

Her nostrils flare as she inhales my scent. Sweet Jesus. I realize I'm cupping her a** with my palm. I automatically give it a gentle squeeze.

She lightly gasps and bites her bottom lip.

Damn it. I want to bite that lip. I want to bite her all over.

She practically purrs in my arms and tiredly wiggles her body to get closer to me. A low growl escapes my throat. Before the primal part of me takes over, I gently dump her on one of the furs by the fire and follow where Owen went.

I need to f***ing cool off, too.


I tiredly wrap the blanket around myself and stare at the fire, barely able to keep myself from tipping over.

I feel so lost and confused.

One moment I want to do things with whatever guy is closest that I've never done before, and the next I want to bawl my eyes out. It's all too much for me. I have no control over my emotions and I don't even know who I am anymore.

I feel my wolf push feelings of comfort at me. It makes me smile a bit. She's not just a wolf. She's a part of me, and I her. She's caring, impulsive, too. Brave. If she was suddenly gone, I would feel hollow now. Like half of me was dead. It's so strange to be sharing a life, a body with something else, but the feeling is becoming more natural. I guess we are slowly becoming as one.

I recognize North's scent and feel his electricity before he enters the cave.

His hair is wet and water droplets run down his broad chest. He opens the bin and grabs a pair of jeans, then tosses them out around the cave. Owen enters a moment later, wearing them. His hair is also wet and disheveled, he runs his fingers through it a few times.

They both eye me as though I may attack them at any moment. I admit to myself that I very well could. How embarrassing. You'd think I'd get the hint when they always push me away or leave. My body doesn't listen though.

The logical part of me realizes they aren't taking advantage of me as they said they wouldn't. The self conscious girl in me though, feels like I'm not good enough and that's why.

I reach for the chain of my pendant in a nervous gesture, but it's not there.

I panic. Where is it?

They read my face and kneel on either side of me.

"What is it?" Owen demands.

My eyes start to tear up. How could I have been so careless? "My necklace, I don't know where it is."

His brow furrows as he thinks. "When did you last have it on?"

It takes me a moment to remember. "Before... before I shifted and... bit Finn."

"It's probably still in the back yard then," North assures me. "We'll find it."

I nod. His confidence makes me feel a little better. I can't lose it. My dad gave it to me. It belonged to my grandmother.

Owen holds out the change of clothes for me they left here. "Can you dress yourself?"

I take the sweater and slowly unfold it, then move to lift it over my head, the blanket still covering me. My arms give out and they land on my lap with the sweater in a heap.

"Here," North takes it and rolls the hem up to the neck, then slips it over my head. He holds one sleeve out for me to put my arm in while Owen does the other. North then pulls it down the rest of the way, over my chest and to my waist, the blanket sliding down under it. He grabs my jeans as Owen sits with his legs out straight, picking me up and setting me sideways on his lap. He moves the blanket so it's no longer wound around me and only lies across my lap. North slides my feet and calves into the jeans, his knuckles brushing against my outer thighs as he pulls them up. Goosebumps cover my body. Owen hooks one arm around my back and the other under my bare backside, lifting me enough for the jeans to slide all the way up, slowly removing his arm and setting me back on his lap. North takes off the blanket and Owen lays me back slightly on his arm as his free hand gathers together the front of my jeans and buttons them while North slowly closes the zipper.

I stare at the cave ceiling as Owen continues to cradle me in his arm, his hand still lying low on my belly. North's hand is high on my thigh.

It's completely quiet except for the crackling of the fire. Each of us focused on how sensual the act of dressing me was.

I slowly lift my head and meet two pairs of black eyes, my own have turned too. North's hand grips my thigh as Owen's fingertips press into my belly.

Owen clears his throat. "You should sleep for a couple hours. Then we need to talk and get you back."

He moves so we both lie on our sides with him spooning me. His arm wrapped around my waist, pulling me up against him. The sun is starting to set and with it the cold air comes. North lays the blanket out over Owen and me and then also lies down on his side on the soft furs, facing me, our bodies only inches apart. He pulls the rest of the blanket over himself.

His strong arm snakes around my waist, below Owen's and squeezes its way around my back between Owen and me. He then pulls himself closer, so our fronts are flush with Owen's arm between us. My face nestles at his neck and I inhale. I hear two, simultaneous, low growls of pleasure and feel both their chests vibrate. One from the front, one from the back.

There's no way I'll be sleeping.

In The Shadows - Fan Fiction Version by KatydidsWhere stories live. Discover now