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I give them a ride in my Bronco, wanting to drive it. Silas is in the front and Luke's behind him.

Luke leans forward. "So, what movie are we seeing?"

"I don't know, I guess we'll see what there is when we get there."

Silas shrugs, "It doesn't really matter to me. I'll watch anything."

I glance over at him and grin. "Even sappy romances?"

He gives me his killer smile. "Especially sappy romances."

They direct me to the diner and I park. I haven't been here yet. We get out and go inside. It's a nice place with a vintage feel. Silas and Luke head out back to what must be the kitchen, where Kota and Nathan are. Mom comes out from there at the same time, greeting them.

She sees me and beams. "I thought it was time we went out and did something fun." She gives me a hug and I hug her back.

"I think so, too. Are you sure it's okay if the guys come?" I don't want to ruin my Mom's plans.

"Of course! I'm glad they're joining us. I'm happy to see you making friends, Sang. And for them to be a bunch of hot guys doesn't hurt either."

I blush and roll my eyes.

She chuckles then gives me a stern expression. "Just make sure you aren't pushed into doing things you're not comfortable about with any of them."

Oh my god. "Mom, they're nice and always treat me well. You don't have to worry about me."

She tenderly tucks my hair behind my ear. "I'm your mother. I'll always worry about you."

She straightens her back and winks at me. "Would you like a tour of your mother's place of employment."

I smile, "I'd love one."


There isn't really that much to see, it's a small diner. She does take me out to the kitchen and I see Kota and Nathan talking with Silas and Luke. They all give us smiles.

My mom grandly gestures to Kota and Nathan. "And these are my workmates. They've been wonderful in assisting me in learning my job."

Kota blushes slightly and Nathan and Silas grin. Luke gives her a wink, "It's been a pleasure."

She looks at him wryly. "I haven't actually worked with you yet, Luke."

His smile broadens, "I'm just betting it will be."

This time Mom blushes. "I think I'm ready to go now."

I feel bad that Kota and Nathan can't come, but they assure they'll arrange to go the next time. I drive the four of us to the little theater in town. We all agree on the latest block buster action movie. Silas actually orders more popcorn and drinks for us. I'm amazed at how much he can eat and still look so incredible.

In the theater, Mom and I sit between Luke and Silas. Silas is so broad his arm passes over into my side of the armrest. He apologizes and tries to move.

"It's okay," I whisper to him. "I don't mind."

Something tells me his eyes go black but it's too dark to see. The opening sequence starts and I settle in,!my arm pressed against his, excited for the movie, and to be watching it with them.....

Mom and I share grins as we listen to Luke and Silas argue about the movie. Silas insists parts are too unrealistic and Luke disagrees, debating ways they are feasible. I unlock the Bronco and we start to get in, Mom in the front with me. I take another sip of my drink and find it now empty. Spotting a trash can on the side of the building, I walk over to throw it away.


I've been hiding and watching the mother all morning. Her daughter arrived after lunch. I immediately knew it was her by her scent. It's intoxicating. I followed them to the movie theater and have patiently waited behind the building. Owen's pack obviously knows, Luke and Silas are with her now.

B******s. Keeping her to themselves. I f***ing hate them. We have every right to see her too.

I pull back into the shadows behind the corner of the building when I see them walking to the Bronco. The breeze carries her scent. My body shivers as I deeply inhale it. My wolf wants her. I want her. She turns from the Bronco and heads my way to the trash. Holy s*** she's beautiful. My blood heats as she comes closer, my breathing quickens and I break into a sweat.

Her pull is overwhelming....and my wolf takes over.


I toss the cup in the trash and spin around to head back when I hear a growl. Looking over my shoulder I freeze when I see a giant gray wolf stalking toward me. My heart thunders. I immediately know it's a shifter and not one I know.

I hear my mother scream my name and the guys yelling, their feet pounding the pavement as they all sprint my way. The wolf looks at them and I swear it smiles just before it charges at me with a terrifying snarl.


I scream as I run to Sang. The wolf has sunk its teeth into her shoulder and she cries out in pain. Luke and Silas are so fast and ahead of me, bellowing their rage. I watch in amazement and horror as Silas grabs the wolf off her and throws it in the air with a roar. It gets up and rushes back at him.

I finally reach my baby and my heart stops at the sight of the blood on her shoulder and the teeth marks in her jacket. Luke catches Sang as she collapses and rushes back to the car with her. I run beside him, holding her hand, refusing to let go.

I hear snarling and growling and look over to see Silas repeatedly beating the wolf into the pavement. He's covered in bite marks. The sounds coming out of him are inhuman. His strength is inhuman.

Suddenly, the wolf goes limp.

We reach the car and gently lay Sang in the back seat. I look up at Silas who has joined us and fill with shock. His eyes....they're black. I glance at Luke and see the same thing. Behind them, where the wolf was, a naked man rises. I blink in confusion, forgetting everything else. The man, it's Levi. He's covered in blood and his face is swollen. He spins around and takes off into the forest.

What the hell?

My breathing picks up and I turn back to the boys.

Somehow, I know they're not human.

Before they can get in the back with her, I stop them. "Get away," I whisper.

"What?" Luke says.

"You're like him, aren't you."

Their silence speaks volumes.

I grind the words out. "Get. Away. From us."

They take a step back and I get out of the back, shutting the door. I scoot over to the open driver's door and put a foot in, my eyes never leaving them. I hear Sang moan and their eyes dart to the back window, looking in at her. I quickly jump in and lock my door, then reach back and lock hers. I turn the key and throw myself around, locking the other two.

They shout at me, but I ignore them, shifting the gears and slamming my foot on the gas.

We have to get away from them.

In The Shadows - Fan Fiction Version by KatydidsWhere stories live. Discover now