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Owen stares out the window as we're all gathered in my grandparents living room.

Mom and Joe arrived a few minutes ago and were filled in on what's happening. She's been glued to my side since.

We wait quietly for Owen to begin our plan.

He faces back to the room. "Running isn't an option. They'll just follow and we have the advantage of home field here."

We're all in agreement.

"They have twenty-three shifters. We have... " he glances at Ethan who nods and takes Holly's hand in his as she looks at him with approval. "... eleven with Ethan and Cole."

I jump up. "I'm not going to be kept out of this," I demand, surprising myself with speaking up, but I have to.

Everyone starts shaking their heads, irritating me, my wolf feeling the same. "This is happening because of me. They want me." I argue.

"And exactly why you'll stay out of it," Owen states. "We can't be fighting these numbers and worry about you at the same time."

"If they want me, they won't hurt me," I try to assure.

"Yes. They will."

We all look over at Cole who's casually leaning against the wall, arms and ankles crossed. "They'll hurt you enough to control you, make you no longer a threat during the fight. Every time you start to heal, they'll wound you again, make you bleed. Then if they win, they'll take you with them."

"Did your father tell you that's what he plans?" I ask, my voice tight.

"No. It's what I would do and I'm his son."

I can hear the honesty in his voice. "I don't care," I tell them. "I'm fighting too. I won't allow you to risk your lives for me and not do anything myself. Any of you would do the same. Plus, you'll need me to help heal anyone severely injured."

"She has an ability?" Cole looks at me.

"The same as my grandmother, Ellasanglyn." I state. He'll find out eventually...

He doesn't say more, just stares at me.

"You don't seem surprised, especially considering your family's history with hers."

Cole glances at North who narrows his eyes. "I have a good poker face," he replies.

North doesn't seem satisfied with the answer, but doesn't push the issue.

"I'm fighting too," Finn proclaims.

"No, you're not," Ethan growls.

"Why not? I'm a shifter too. I'm strong and can fight."

"Yeah... " Cole drawls, "I knew I felt electricity coming off him, how is that? I thought you only had a human son whose number was almost up."

I glare at Cole for his crass remark.

Ethan ignores him. "You'll stay with your mother and the humans." His tone leaves no room for argument. I can feel the electricity roll off him.

Finn's face pinches, but he stays quiet.

"Now listen," Grandpa says. "We can fight too." He looks at Grandma, Mom and Joe, who nod.

Cole laughs, "You? Fight? You're just weak humans."

Grandpa stares him down, "We can still blow your head off. I'd like to see you heal from that."

Cole smiles. "Then I hope you're a good shot, it'll take several to do."

In The Shadows - Fan Fiction Version by KatydidsWhere stories live. Discover now