Kiss The Cook

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I'm grinning from ear to ear, driving behind grandpa's truck in my very own '73 Ford Bronco Ranger. It's old but in good condition. The seat has a couple small tears, there isn't a fancy stereo system or anything, and it's brown with faded white trim, but it's mine and I love it. My grandpa's main concerns were that I have something that runs well and will handle the harsh Montana winter roads. I didn't have any idea as to what I wanted, but I'm so happy with what I got. North came out and approved the choice too. It made me even happier that he liked it.

After he bought it, grandpa took me to get my license updated and the bronco registered. It's been a long afternoon and I'm excited to show Mom and Grandma.

We park in the dirt drive and they come out smiling at me.

"I love it!" Mom gives me a hug and examines the truck. She then gives Grandpa a hug as well and whispers something in his ear. He pats her on the back and whispers something back to her.

"I haven't seen one of these in forever," Grandma says, looking in the driver's window.

"Jed got it a few towns over at an auction for a steal. He gave me a good price for it, too," Grandpa says, as mom steps out of his arms.

"Well let's go eat dinner and celebrate your first car and your mom's new job with the apple pie I made."

"You got the job?"

Mom nods. "I start tomorrow. I think I'll like it."

"That's great, Mom."

She beams and she and grandma go back in the house.

I turn to grandpa. "Thank you, I love it."

He smiles at me. "I'm glad to do it, Sang."

He wraps his right arm around my shoulders and I put my left one around his waist as we go inside.

I really love my grandpa. And not because of what he bought me, but because of who he is.


Grandma's in a tizzy. She's been cooking and baking since before the sun rose. You'd think she's feeding an army this afternoon. She said she might as well be when you have six young men coming over. Mom left before I got up, to work her first day at the diner. I hope it goes well. She really wanted to find a job. She'll be working with the guys too at times. I'm a little envious. So while Grandpa's getting things ready for the barn repairs, I'm grandma's sous chef.

"Sang dear, would you please knead the dough?"

"Okay Grandma." I wash my hands and start on her requested task as she chops onions. I hear the rumble of motors and look out the window at the drive. A car and a truck park and the guys get out. I panic.

"Grandma, they're here."

"I see."

"I thought they were coming at three."

"They called your grandfather and said they could come earlier."

I watch as Owen, Silas, Kota and Nathan go to the barn. Luke and Gabe climb up the covered porch steps and knock on the door. Grandma calls for them to "come on in!"

Great. Just great. I wish she would have told me. I thought I would have time to change before they got here. I'm wearing an old pair of worn gray sweats, an old white t-shirt with sauce spattered on it from earlier, fuzzy blue socks and my hair, that I haven't brushed since I woke up this morning, is thrown on top of my head in a messy bun. Not to mention the apron my grandmother forced me to put on after the sauce debacle that says "Kiss the Cook" across the chest.

They open the door and walk in with handsome, melt my insides, smiles. I mentally grimace when they see me and read the apron.

Thanks Grandma.

"Hi Mrs. Holden," Luke and Gabe smile as they shut the door.

"Hello, boys. Thank you so much for helping Al this afternoon." She invites them further into the cheery kitchen and gives them hugs. I think it surprises them, but they seem to like it.

"We're happy to help," Gabe tells her. "We just wanted to pop in and say "hi."

"And it looks like we're in for a treat, too," Luke looks at all the ingredients being put together for the feast grandma has planned. "It smells delicious."

She beams.

Luke walks over to me as I continue to knead the dough. "How's it going Sang?"

"Good, I'm just helping Grandma get dinner ready for later."

"I like your apron," he grins.

I give him a wry look. "It's my grandmother's actually."

She overhears. "Yes, Al got that for me several years ago," she chuckles.

Gabe comes to my other side. "Well, we better do what the apron says." And with that, they both lean toward me and give me kisses on the cheeks. My face burns and I refuse to look at them, continuing to unnecessarily knead the dough more.

I hear my grandmother snicker behind me at the kitchen island.

"She's the real cook in the house," I tell them.

I can almost feel their grins as they go to grandma, and I turn to watch as they give her the same pecks on her cheeks. She lets out a girlish giggle, making me giggle too.

"Oh, you are devils," she blushes prettily.

They each grab a piece of carrot and she playfully swats at their hands. "You get on out of my kitchen now so we can concentrate without you handsome boys distracting us."

They give us winks and head to the barn.

"I've always liked those boys," she sighs, once the door shuts.

"They're nice." I clean up my mess.

"They're all very handsome young men too....." She lets her sentence hang in the air.

I look back at grandma. "And?"

She raises a thin brow. " you have an eye on one of them?"

I look at her in shock. "Grandma! I just met them a couple days ago!"

"Oh pish posh." She waves her knife in the air. "I knew your grandfather was the man for me the first moment I met him and I was your age." She becomes thoughtful. "Although, I can imagine it would be hard to choose between all those boys."

I roll my eyes and set the dough aside. "Well I've never had a boyfriend before, grandma." I blush, being embarrassed about it, but it's the truth.

She smiles at me. "There's nothing wrong with that. Your day will come when it's meant to. No use in wasting your time walking a path that leads where you don't want to go. Best to stay put and enjoy your current surroundings."

I grin, although I have no idea what she means.

In The Shadows - Fan Fiction Version by KatydidsWhere stories live. Discover now