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Louis opens the door and leads us inside. The entry way is fogged with smoke and littered with couples kissing left and right. I take a longer stride and grab Paige's elbow and look around the house as we are lead deeper into the madness.

Looking to the right, there are 3 groups of about 7 each, all with at least one joint to pass. Red Solo cups are shoved into our hands and Louis takes a drink before leading us to his friends. Among them is Rick.

"Hey," slurs one friend, looking me head to toe. I ignore him and sniff my drink. God this smells disgusting. I take a sip anyway.

"Rose," says a familiar voice. It's Rick of course, his hair is pushed back but it is messy. I take note of his sneakers and white shirt with a weird stain on it.

"Hi Rick," I respond taking another sip. It doesn't taste near as bad as it smells.

"You know Louis?" Rick asks leading me away from the group.

"Uh, only because of Paige," I answer looking for her. Louis must be showing her around.

"I see," Rick adds as he finishes his cup. I look around the room, there are so many joints I can't even count them. "Know anybody here?"

"Oh, just you, Paige and Louis," Can you leave me alone? Then I spot Niall, his girlfriend is perched perfectly on his lap, her knees on either side of his thighs. All I see is the back of her head and smoke rising from in between them.

"I want you to meet someone," Rick says taking hold of my arm and pulling me to where I was looking. Except he doesn't take me to Niall or his girlfriend, I still can't remember her name. "Zayn," Rick calls over the thumping music. A boy pops his head up from a girl and looks for the source of his name. He seems nice. Rick brings me over to him and the girl.

"Rose, this is Zayn," he says grabbing another cup. I smile and nod politely but Zayn stands from the couch he was just eating face off of and extends his hand to me.

"Nice to meet you," I take it cautiously, he spells repulsive. Like someone threw up on him then smoked weed out of his shirt.

"We've been friends how long buddy," Rick seems to be trying to hard to be friends with everyone at this party.

"Uh, like 2 weeks," Zayn answers seemingly thinking the same as me.

"Whatever, either way, he's a cool dude," Rick gets distracted by someone elsewhere and walks off. Great, real fucking great.

"Having fun?" Zayn asks, the girl he was kissing has left already.

"I don't really party," I respond, half of my drink is gone now.

"Me either but my friends wanted to come for the free weed," Zayn motions to the group Niall is with. The girl is gone but there are at least 4 others to take her place.

"I can see that," I answer and take another drink, I still can't figure out what I'm drinking but it's growing on me,

"Here, meet the guys," Zayn puts his hand on my back and leads me to the group. "Niall, this is Rose," he says getting his attention.

"I already know her," he says sticking the joint between his lips. When did he get his lip peirced?

"Oh? How?" Zayn looks to me for the answer.

"Uhm we went to elementary school together and we're partners in American History," I add, not that it matters too much.

"Oh," Zayn pushes forward and we come to the boy who was at the resturant last night. "Harry, this is Rose." I sigh and nod slowly.

"Met her last night," Harry turns away and begins kissing a girl behind him.

"He's rude like 95% of the time, it's not you," Zayn is handed a joint and he takes a drag, lets out the smoke and offers me some.

"No thanks," I crinkle my nose and take my last drink from the cup.

"Well this is June," Zayn points to the girl who walks past us without any acknowledgement and sits back on Niall's lap. They go right back to kissing. That's her name. "That's everyone," Zayn finishes and hands me another red cup with the same stuff in it.

"Nice bunch," I say and look at the group. Niall is practically having sex with June on the couch, Harry is in between kissing two girls and here's Zayn watching me watch.

"They have their moments," Zayn smirks and takes another drag of the tiny joint. I look around the room, maybe Paige is looking for me too. I'd like to have Rick back, even though he's a little pushy and an ass. Zayn leads me to the couch he was kissing the girl on and we sit a good foot apart.

"What's your major?" I blurt, thinking of conversation starters with people I just met is impossible.

Zayn laughs and takes a drink before answering me, "English." He says and lights a new blunt. I roll my tounge around my mouth, I get this is a party but do you have to do that infront of me? "yours?"

"History," I answer quickly, June has left Niall's body and he's moving to sit with Zayn and I on this ratty old couch.

"We're partners," Niall adds, obviously hearing the conversation.

"I'm supposed to tutor him," I explain and Zayn nods, he doesn't give a shit. Niall reached across me to Zayn and takes the pot from him and takes a huge drag from it.

"Rose!" I hear a faint call of my name. I look around and see Paige searching high and low for me. She sees who I'm sitting with a rushes over. "Rose, I've been looking allover for you, come outside!" Paige grabs my hand and pulls me up.

"Bye," I say to Zayn quickly. Paige navigates the crowd and leads me to the backyard.

"Look at this," she leads me to the balcony that overlooks a huge river. Everyone is in it. "Let's jump in," She says excitedly.

"No, neither of us are jumping in. Where's Louis?" I ask and see his shoes next to me. That's why you want to go in.

"Come on, they're, skinny dipping!" Paige is wasted and shes kicking her heels off.

"No," I grab her shoes and grip her arm. "Come on, you need to go home or sit down somewhere," I leave my cup on the stone railing and lead her inside to the couch she found me at. Nobody was sitting there now. "Sit," I say almost demanding and go to the kitchen and get her some water.

"Rose you're a party pooper," Paige smiles, her eyes are half closed. I roll my eyes and shove the water into her hand.

"Just sit a few minutes," I tell her and look around the room. Niall has shades on now and is standing against a wall across the room. A hand is shoved into his pocket and one foot is proped on the wall behind him. I look away and back to Paige.

"I feel fine Gracie!" She plays and picks at the bottom of my dress. Here comes Louis, his hair is dripping and he's fully dressed. He sits beside his date and I move for him.

"Thanks," he said and puts an arm around her shoulder. I can't help it.

"Do you know Niall?" I ask quietly, even behind his sunglasses I can tell Niall is looking at me.

"Niall?" Louis turns to me, I can't tell what kind of emotion is in his eyes. "Horan? Don't make me laugh, I hate the bastard," he tells me. I didn't realize he was British.

"Then why's he here?" I ask, I probably shouldn't have. Louis head snaps around to look at me then look around the room, he spots Niall and leaves Paige and I and stomps over to him.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" I hear Louis shout over the music. The music lowers and everyone is starting to look at the two.

"Fuck off," Niall says and brings his cup to his mouth but Louis knocks it out, knocking the alcohol out of the cup and splattering allover the floor.

"Get the fuck out of my house," Louis says roughly. Paige seems to be coming out of her drunken state and leaps up to pull Louis away.

"Make me pansy," Niall says pushing Louis shoulders. I hope June sees this and comes to get Niall but she doesn't. What else am I supposed to do but go and stop him, right?

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