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Entering the room I see Niall propped up on the bed with three pillows behind his back. he doesn't notice me walking in right away so I remain in the doorway a few seconds.

"Rose," he finally sees me, his face lighting up as I walk further into the room. Niall outstretches his arms as I sit on the edge of the bed. "I've fucking missed you," he pulls me to his chest and I feel so much better. It was like I'd been holding my breath all week and I could finally breathe again.

I wrap my arms around his neck and sprinkle his shoulder in kisses, "I missed you too."

"It's so weird sleeping alone," he chuckles and I laugh a little too before pulling away and kissing him softly on the lips, "oh come on now," he says with a smirk, "don't you be teasin me after a week of not seeing ya."

I smile and give Niall a real kiss, one with every ounce of emotion I could muster up. his hands pull me closer to him as he deepens the kiss. My arms wrap around his neck as I pull away, not really wanting to.

"How are you feeling?"

"Like hell without you," Niall answers a little out of breath. His hands rub up and down my sides as he watches me.

"I do believe dinner is ready," I add pulling away to brush his fringe from his forehead, "have you eaten?"

"Nothing lately," Niall teases, a hand traveling to my front.

"You know what I mean," I roll my eyes, all thoughts of the marijuana forgotten.

"No, not today," Niall sighs and his hands drop to his sides.

"Do you eat in here or come to the table?"

"Here," he smacks his lips, "but since you and Zayn are here ill go to the table."

"No, it's alright, I'll bring you your food, just wait here," I offer a warm smile and kiss his forehead. I exit the room and saunter into the kitchen where the three other house guests look at me as I enter.

"Rose," Greg says turning to look at me fully, he extends his arm for me to join them. When I do they all look at me and I bite my lip.

"I was going to take Niall his dinner," I speak a little coldly, their glares piercing into me.

"Actually," Greg leans against the countertop and Denise takes a deep sigh. Looking between the both of them I have no idea what to expect. "We need to talk with you about something, wanna sit down by Zayn."

As I take a seat on the barstool beside Zayn, I can only expect the worst. Denise remains solemn as she wipes down previously washed dishes and stacks them. Greg leans agains the counter, his fists supporting him as he stares down at the marble. I bite my lip as I wait what seems like an eternity for him to speak.

"Our dads coming over this weekend," Greg says without any lead in or ease. "He'll be here tomorrow around 2 and stay through dinner."


"He wants to see Niall, he's already seen Denise and I, we wouldn't allow him to see Theo," Greg explains and Denise stiffens, obviously not too thrilled about the new house guest tomorrow.

"This is going to lead to trouble, you know that. Niall is never going to stay here, the second he finds out about this I can guarantee he will do anything to get out of here."

"That's why we aren't telling him until dad gets here," Greg says roughly. "We all know about Nialls temper, so we have to keep him calm."

"That's crazy! We both know the second he walks in here Niall is going to lose it and trash the place or trash one of us," I say in a whisper, almost forgetting Niall was down the hall.

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