Thank You

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Okay, now I know this story isn't much and its pretty downright shitty, but I've been writing it since my senior year of highschool and now I'm a !college freshman! This story has seen many things and gone through many changes (the title and main character!).

I'd like to say thank you, to everyone who has read from the begining, to anyone who is just now binge reading it (god knows why you would, because I have no clue why someone would like this story) and a massive thank you for the votes. Yes, I never got more than five votes but I don't care, it's more than I ever expected to get anyway.

I won't lie and say I didn't invision that this story would end up like After or Laced, because I did have high hopes. But now, I have a new story coming out called Lady Direction and I am so much more proud of it than Thorn.

Thorn was created on a whim, I only had two plot points set and when I used them, I half-assed the rest of the story.

Back to my personal promo: Lady Direction will follow Niall and his wife whom gets this idea to get One Direction famous again (it takes place 7 years from now) and it follows all the drama and heart break (because omg chapter 13 is going to rOCK).

Speaking of, here is a snip it of Chapter 1 of Lady Direction:

All the attention is on me and without really thinking I bring the mic up and string my words together at first, "hiimessie," I pause to breathe and add slower, "Niall and I have a two year old and have been married five years as of this past May."

PLease be on the lookout for it, because I am so proud and excited to start writing it. I also have another story "It's 1953..." it's been released a while and I also really am proud of that one. So if you haven't read it please do. Another "story" is "The Playlist" which the preface for it is posted now! So add it to your libraries because it rocks too!

Once again, thank you for reading Thorn. It means a lot and I hope you will continue reading my Niall related stories in the future

If you ever need anything, someone to talk to even if you've never spoken to me before, my inbox is always open. I may not answer promptly but I WILL answer and you can count on it. Please don't be shy because I have great southern hospitality and I'm funny like Harry.

Much love, Gigi

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