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"Sorry," I say and watch his face. He is stoic, the only thing I can see in the way of emotion is...sadness maybe? Or is that hatred?

"It's fine, I just thought, never mind," Niall turns onto his right side, facing away from me.

"What'd you think?" I ask as my hand runs up his back and traces some faintly seen tattoos.

"Just go to sleep," he says harshly and I pull my hand away, he's like a live wire 90% of the time.

"You can't tell me?" I press and he sits up abruptly.

"Can't you drop anything? We didn't kiss anymore, we didn't end up fucking, that's it okay!" He's yelling already and I sit up too.

"Is that why you brought me here? To get into my, or your pants?" I yell in retaliation.

"You're a lunatic! Just drop it and go the fuck to sleep!"

"No! Im leaving," I rush out of the bed and storm out if his room and to the dryer. I hear him coming up behind me so I slide my pants on I over his boxers.

"What the fuck are you doing?" he's still yelling and I take his shirt off me and throw it on the dryer. I get my bra on then turn to him and throw his shirt at him.

"I'm leaving Niall don't you fucking listen?" He holds the shirt and I pull my shirt on over my body. I hold my panties in my hand and storm past him into the living room. "I'll give your boxers back tomorrow," I say with anger seeping from my mouth.

"Just fucking stay," Niall says throwing the shirt I was wearing into the couch beside me.

My shoes are on and I stand, "no! I'm not staying if your entire intention was to have sex with me!" I storm out of his apartment and slam the door behind me.

The rain has stopped for now and I reach the bottom of the staircase and walk to the parking lot.

"Rose!" I hear Niall scream with anger. I cross my arms infront of me and keep walking. Niall keeps calling me until he grabs my arm and spins me around. "Don't fucking walk away from me," he growls in my face.

"Don't treat me like your property," I peel myself away from him and keep walking.

"Dammit Rose you'll get lost," Niall is concerned now.

"I don't give a shit!" I yell and pick up pace.

"I won't come for you if you do!"

I turn around and walk right back to him, he thinks he's won.

"Good, because I don't fucking need you. You aren't the only fucking man in my life and you're defiantly not my favorite," I say through half gritted teeth. He stares down at me with cold eyes and fists at either side of him.

"You know you love me," he yells.

"How could I? How could I fucking love you if you act like I'm garbage! You called me a whore earlier!" My face is hot and I feel my eyes well up. "You don't even act like you enjoy my company in the slightest!"

"I don't treat you like garbage!" Niall counters and I push him.

"Get away from me!" I scream and push him again when he tries to come closer to me. "I hate you!"

"Yeah well I hate you too!" Niall adds and pushes me. I'm taken aback by this and gape at him.

"I don't ever want to see you again," I spit and jog away from him. I thank god for my experience in track and continue running for atleast a mile before I stop.

I dial Liam and wait for him to get me. When he does it's nearly 2:30 and he has huge black bags under his eyes.

"I'm so sorry to call this late," I say as I climb into the passenger side of his Prius.

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