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Chapter Songs: "Stay With Me" -Sam Smith "Every Rose has It's Thorn"- Poison "A Thousand Years" - Christina Perri "Amnesia" -5 Seconds of Summer


Liam tries to comfort me for a while, tries to tell me there's better men out there and all that jazz but I keep snapping at him telling him "I'm fine, give it a rest."

We stay up until about two or three that night, watching any movies I wanted, of which I chose a zombie marathon. When we did retire we stayed up until maybe 5 just talking.

"So your mom is still trying to set you up with her?"

Liam chuckles, "until her death bed she will swear this girl she tutored over seas will be my soul mate."

"But she's like twice your age though right?" We both laugh and continue talking about pointless things all night. Having this sleepover, it was like two girlfriends in highschool, made me really appreciate Liam. He has always been here for me, he takes me places in the dead of the night and lets me stay at his place. He is the ultimate best friend, I'm dead in love with him and I couldn't ask for a better friend.

Long after Liam has fallen asleep, 6:30 comes around and I finally find sleep too. I dream of God knows what until a familiar tone interrupts my slumber. My eyes half open I turn onto my belly and grab my phone from the nightstand. My eyes fall on the alarm clock which read 1:23 pm. I unlock the phone mindlessly and answer groggily.


"You know Niall right?" I turn onto my back and hold my forehead.

"Who is this?" I ask and Liam shuffles around on the bed, waking up a little.

"Diana," answers the girl on the other end.

"Okay, good for you, what do you want?"

"You know Niall right, you're Rose, his girlfriend?"

"Get to the point," my head is whirling and I'm having a hard time waking up.

"Well he passed out last night and now he won't wake up, he's hardly breathing."

I sit up and rub my face, "you didn't call 911?"

"We just found him."

"Well shit, call 911," I respond waking up a little more, "tell them to take him to the hospital by campus and I'll find him there."

"Does his have epilepsy or somethin'?"

"He's seizure prone."

"Then that's what that was last night," Diana says muffled then yells to someone to call 911. "Well we're calling now, I hope he's okay."

"If he isn't we're suing you," i hang up without another word and flop backwards on the mattress. Liam is looking at me from his side.


"He had a seizure at a party last night and passed out, they just now found him and he hasn't woken up and apparently isn't breathing well," Liam's eyebrows scrunch together and he sits up.

"Well we gotta go then don't we?"


Liam and I arrive at the hospital and ask at the nurses station for Niall. She tells us nobody has checked in under that name yet, they are however out getting a Niall and to wait. Liam guides me back to the Emergency entrance and we wait patiently. We endure two ambulances carrying in mostly older women before we finally find Niall.

"We're with him," Liam calls to one of the men. He looks at us and jogs over.

"You guys family?"

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