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It wasn't hard at all to find where Rick's dorm room was. Of course it was in a big ass frat house, and of course he was lounging around, not a care in the world, when I stormed in.

"Niall?" Rick stood from his seated position on the couch as I continued to minimize the distance between us.

"Shut up and let me say what I have to," I say quickly. Rick opens his mouth to speak but I give him no time to, giving him a direct punch to the face. "If I ever hear anything about you, in regards to Rose or not, I'm kicking your god damned teeth in."

"What'd I even do?" Rick yells, his hands cupping his ,outs as a thin line of blood pours from it. Some of the other fraternity guys come bounding out of their rooms upstairs and to the living room.

I punch him in the stomach.

"Didn't I tell you to shut up?" I say as Rick is doubled over in pain. He nods and I continue, "if I ever see your fucked up face, I will bash it in faster than you think," I threaten.

His head bobs quickly, I help him stand, being the good person I am, and pat his shoulders.

"So we're at an understanding? You stay away from Rose and I, then I'll stay away from you," I shrug and he looks at me, obviously wanting to murder me. His friends continue to watch from the staircase, surely not the first encounter like this they'd seen.

"good," I say and turn to leave but Rick coughs and calls my name.

"Well, honestly bro, I would've let you have her if you had asked. I mean you already took that one whore from Louis anyway," my hands balled up. I tried to remain calm, to walk out of the house like he'd never said anything and continue about my day.

But that's not Niall Horan.

I turned around quickly, my feet moving before my head could catch up and I'm punching Rick again. And again. And a few more agains. He's on the floor between my legs, attempting to fight back but losing terribly. A few frat guys come over and tear me off Rick and threaten to call the campus police so I leave quickly. I wash my knuckles off with the garden hose and get into my truck before the guys change their mind in giving me an option.

Before I know it I'm home again and showering, praying Rose comes in after I get the chance to put away my now bloody clothes.


I sigh once more and look at my food options at the little convenience store. I can't decide between Doritos or Funyuns then settle on Skittles. I pay and head out the door and to the little parking lot, there I see a bunch of guys in a huddle, dragging someone behind them to one of the cars.

I watch with a little guilt, because staring is rude, then realize that was Rick they were toting behind them. Boy, he was beat up terribly too. I take a few steps to go see what happened the I decide against it because why do I care?

I shake my head and turn back to my car and get in. As I wait for my turn to pull onto the main road, I see a bloody Harry and a few guys following closely behind. I freeze and watch him pass in front of my car, he glances to me and I see anger written on his face, under the blood of course. He and his friends continue walking.

Could Niall have...no. No he wouldn't.

Getting to Nialls apartment I remember I have to knock still, even though I've pretty much decided to stay here until summer, where I'll find my own place. Niall answers the door and I hug him quickly.

"Did you shower?" I ask looking up at him with my arms still around his torso.

"Yeah, I was having trouble waking up this morning," Niall says, his eyes darting to the left. I sigh and rest my head on his chest again.

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