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We get back to Zayn's apartment with little words spoken between us since leaving. I'm visibly upset and Zayn is silently trying to understand what had happened. When he leads me inside I flop onto the couch and cover my face wit my hands with a huff.

I feel the couch dip beside me as Zayn takes a seat, "okay, so talk to me."

"About what? Ive told you everything," I sigh as my hands flop down to my side.

"Well, what was Harry doing to you? Why would he make up something the way he did?"

"I guess he was just upset, about the threats Niall gave him. So he made up that I was on him rather than he being all over me," I bite my lip and wait for his next question.

"Okay, but why would your friend believe him?"

"I figure it's because she's with Louis, you know what happened with he and Niall, so anything Louis tells her she believes. Surely Harry told Louis the lie then he went to Paige about it."

"Well," Zayn begins but doesn't say anymore. He leans back on the couch, mimicking me and looks over at me.

"This is going to sound absurd," I say shaking my head, "but do you want to go for a run with me? It would clear my head and I'd sleep a whole hell of a lot better."

Zayn flashes a mesmerizing smile and sits up, "sure, why not."


After a few mile run, it's about 4:30 when we return. Zayn takes a shower first, in the mean time I sit up and check my phone to find at least twenty missed calls from Niall.

I tap to return the call and put him on speaker phone as I gather clothes for my shower once Zayn is out. Without a hello, Niall picks up:

"Where the hell are you?" he nearly yells.

"At Zayn's," I answer calmly, trying to not get worked up or give Niall anymore reason to be upset.

"Where have you been, Rose? I've been calling for hours!"

"I went for a run with Zayn."

I hear Niall scoff, "a run with Zayn, at this hour? Dammit, I heard about your little fight tonight."

"You did?"

"Yes, a friend called me. What the hell were you thinking? Going out and getting in a fight when I've told you that while I'm not home, don't go out."

"Hold on, you never said I couldn't go out," I hear Zayn open the bathroom door so I grab my phone and take it off speaker, "and this is no different than what you've done."

"I was drunk when those happened."

"And that makes it any better? She came up to me, she was looking for the fight," Zayn enters the room, his eyebrows raise when he realizes who I'm talking to.

"I just can't believe you would do this, Rose," I can hear disappointment laced in his voice.

"I can't believe you can't stop fighting your feelings for two minutes to actually consider what you're doing," I snap and cross my free arm over my chest. I look at Zayn whom has his back to me, but is obviously listening in and trying to piece together our conversation.

"This is not about me, Rose."

"oh really? For the first time our argument isn't about you, congratulations."

"Rose, stop it."

"Stop what, Niall? being right?"

There is silence on the other end. I take a deep breath and close my eyes, "Niall I'm sorry. That was out of line," I know it wasn't and I was in the right but I'm not in the mood anymore, "I'm just tired."

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