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Niall shut off completely after that comment. He looked at me, huffed, balled his fists then flopped onto the floral bed sheets, not looking or speaking to me.

It's 1am now, and I'm laying about 2 feet away from him, he won't acknowledge me or anything. I've tired to get his attention through touch only for him to jerk away. Niall is crazy, ridiculous, nuts.

"Niall," I try one last time. My voice cracks unintentionally in the dark silence of the motel room. He shifts at the sound of my voice but doesn't respond otherwise.

"Niall please," I opt to touch his shoulder and he doesn't pull away this time so I sit up and tug at his arm until he rolls over to look up at me.

"What?" I can tell he wants to snap at me but doesn't have the gumption. His voice is dry and he looks rundown.

"You can't shut me out," I run my hand over his cheek trying to coax an explanation out of him. He closes his eyes and moves his face to my palm, like he was going to kiss it but he doesn't. "Tell me what's wrong, I want to help you," I add and be shifts up to his elbow, he's a little less than eye level with me now.

"It's nothing," he answers running his fingers through his bed head.

"Niall please don't start this," I warn and he gives me a disapproving glare, "if you shut me out then don't expect me to be open to you."

He lays back down on his back, almost in defeat. I sigh and shake my head as his arm snakes around my waist, pulling me down on top of him.

"You really want to know why I'm 'shut off'?" he asks looking across my face. I nod slowly and a tiny smirk dances over his face before he speaks, "I'll tell you a little, the rest I'll tell when the time is right."

My heart sinks a little even though he's letting me in, no matter how small or narrow the opening is, Niall is finally letting me in.

"My mom died when I was 7, my dad brought my brother and I here to live with my aunt, uncle and two cousins a month or two after the funeral." I watch his expression as he tells me this, his eyes are dull and lack all indication of happiness. Niall's grip tightened on me, like he was attempting to make me part of him, but failing.

"I'm so sorry," I rub his cheek again but now he moves his face away, looking at the wall a few feet away.

"That's enough story time for one night," he still looks at the beige wall and I watch the glint of light from the nightstand clock dance on his iris.

"Ok," I answer softly. I know not to push him or he'll just shut off completely. "Some other time," I make sure he understands I won't just drop the topic, I'll give him space with it but ill come back to it.

He reaches an arm up and turns on the bedside lamp then looks at me. I scrunch my face at the sudden change and he laughs.

"Wanna skinny dip in the pool?" he asks with a grin and I gasp.

"Fuck no!" I laugh and he wraps both arms around me now. He still looks broken, absolutely torn and ripped apart but he's trying to make light of his feelings.

"Then what do you want to do?" he asks brushing hair behind my ear.

"Go to sleep, we need to go back to school tomorrow," I smile as he clicks his tongue and releases his grip on me. I roll off him and onto my side of the bed.

"Fine," Niall sighs defeated and turns the lamp back off. Why turn it on if he's just going to turn it off?

"Goodnight," I get no answer as he shifts to put his back to me again, obviously reverting to his cave.

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