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Friday has finally arrived. Frat boys are loading up vans and cars with beach chairs and beer. Endless coolers of beer are hoisted into backs of vans, trunks of cars. People loiter parking lot after parking lot packing cars with people and clothes.

I'm toting two bags and a pile of towels, watching frat boy after frat boy tie beach supplies to the hoods of cars.

"You excited Rose?" Louis calls back to me as we reach his car. He pops the trunk and tosses Paige's bags into the compartment, then his.

"Yeah," I honestly am. What you see in movies about college kids getting wild on spring break is actually pretty true. Multiple colleges and high school seniors take a trek down to Corpus Christi, South Parde, Port A, and many more island destinations.

Everyone gets pretty wild and crazy in the span of a week, parties on Tuesday afternoons so on and so forth.

Louis takes what Im carrying and puts them in the backseat and holding the door open for Paige to climb in.

"Still up for driving?" he asks tossing me his key ring.

"Totally," I smile at how quickly we've packed our car for our voyage south.

"Good, lets hit the road."


The trip was smooth to our hotel. Louis and I changed seats about 30 miles from Corpus and the only problems we hit was traffic out the ass.

We pulled into our hotel parking lot at about 10 pm and Louis checked us in before leading us up to our room. It was beautiful, stunning almost. Upon entering we see a large living room area with green furniture and gold walls. Gold curtains drape over a wonderful view of the water, luckily a waterfront hotel. There was a very small kitchen that leads down a hallway.

"Here's your room," Louis tells me pointing to the door on my right, he and Paige standing infront of the door directly across.

I turn the golden knob eagerly to find a room as beautiful as the rest of the place. There is a large bed, probably a queen, with light green and gold pillows and blankets. There's two large windows, both over looking the bay. There's a blue bathroom with brightly painted iron fishes hanging on the sky blue walls.

I smile and enter the bedroom, tossing my bags on the floor before flopping onto the bed. I stare at the popcorn ceiling before rising and going to find the other two.

"Rose come on, we're gonna go meet some friends," Louis says when he sees me as he stuffs his phone in his jacket pocket.

We end up at a beach house with three cars aside from ours parked in front. The house looks beautiful in the dim light of the street lamps. As Louis leads Paige and I up the walkway and to the red front door I take note of the tulips blossoming along the sidewalk and the comforting smell that I can't quite place.

Once inside I realize Paige and I are the only two ladies in a house full of 12 men at minimum.

"Lou!" a few exclaim once they lay eyes on him. Everyone shares hugs and he introduces Paige, then me. I was obviously the third wheel when Louis leads Paige to another room leaving me standing in the entryway.

Then I recognize a familiar head of black hair.

"I met you haven't I?" he asks, a tiny smirk growing on his face as he clenches a beer in his hand.

"Tyler isn't it?" I ask and be nods, "yeah we met at a party a while back."

"Oh yeah," the realization sweeps over him and he nods again, "you're with Niall!"

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