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I watch Niall's truck disappear around a corner and take a seat on the curb.

I shouldn't have said any of that shit.

I take my phone out and dial Zayn's number and ask him to pick me up and take me to Niall's to get my car. When Zayn arrives I see Harry is with him in the back seat, leaving the passenger seat for me.

"Thanks," I say softly once I'm in the car.

"What happened?" Zayn asks before he drives. I look at him, should I tell him?

"Niall and I got in a fight," I say and buckle my seatbelt slowly, I know he's watching my every move.

"Why are you staying at Nialls anyway?" Harry asks from the back seat. I roll my eyes and peer out the window then look at Zayn to answer.

"Niall has seizures because of that concussion he had, it was a pretty bad one so he's going to have some every so often. He's taking medicine, I just stay just incase he has an episode and needs help," I explain now to nobody in particular.

"Shit," Zayn says, obviously listening to me ramble. "That's really thoughtful of you though."

"Tell Niall that," I chuckle and I hear Zayn laugh a little too. It's no big secret Niall is an asshole.

"Do you need me to take you to his place to get your car?" Zayn asks and I nod.

"I need my books from his room too," I add and fiddle with the radio, hoping he doesn't mind.

"I'll run in and get the books," I hear Harry chime from the backseat. I just nod and we reach the apartment.

Nialls truck is parked in its usual place by the street and I get out along with the boys. "You go ahead to your car and we'll go up," Zayn assures me and I nod in agreement. I watch the two ascend the iron staircase then wait at Nialls door. They wait and he opens the door, letting them step inside one by one.

I find my car, unlock it and crawl inside to sit at the drivers seat. I watch Nialls door and it doesn't open. I look at my small car and admire how clean it is compared to Niall's truck. I, unlike him, I don't have a shirt or two on the seat or empty drink cups scattered on the floor.

Then Zayn and Harry show up with my book bag in hand, I didn't bother to ask for my clothes and I just realized it. I roll the power window down and smile, "Thanks," I tell Harry and take the bag from his hands and put it on the seat beside me.

"You never let me take you out Friday," Zayn smiles as Harry walks off.

"Sorry about that," I laugh and put my hands on my steering wheel.

"What about this Saturday? There's a party at one of the frat houses so maybe we can hang there," Zayn offers as he rests his elbows on the open window.

"I guess so, text me the details later on and I'll get back to you," I start the car and feel the heater kick in, it's sort of cold out and Liam must have left it going when he brought the car over.

"Okay, I'll do that," Zayn smiles and backs away from my car.


"Where have you been all weekend?" Paige asks me when I get into the dorm with my things.

I release a heavy sigh as I drop my books onto my bed. Fuck I've missed it. "I was at Niall's," I tell her after taking a seat on my sweaky bed.

"Oh he has that thing right?"

"Seizures, after a concussion," I explain and feel so much more tired than I did 10 minutes ago. "But I'm going to shower then get to my homework."

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