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Coming home from the hospital was odd to say the least, Rose wouldn't come out of the car so she sent me in to Grab whatever I need, we're staying at Liam's. I kept a careful watch the way up for any neighbors, I saw none, the complex was like a fucking ghost town. As I walked around my apartment, grabbing a few things here and there, the more I hated the idea of staying with Liam.

Rose and I had come to a compromise, she didn't want to go anywhere near my house and I didn't want to have her that beaten and bruised anywhere away from me. She argued that Liam has all her work she needs to catch up on over the weekend and his place is big enough. I fought her for an hour before her tears finally persuaded me.

I still hate the idea of staying with Liam.

I return to the car and Rose puts it into drive before I have even really sat down.

"Could you give me a minute, shit." I say annoyed and she pulls out of the lot.

"Excuse me for wanting to get out of there," Rose answers in almost a whisper.

"Where does Liam live again?" I ask for probably the hundredth time this morning, I see Rose roll her eyes.

"near campus, just a mile or two," she answers and I slouch into my seat.

"He texted saying he has the couch set up for you, it's one of those that turn into a bed," she smiles at me once she's reached a stop light.

"where are you sleeping? You're not going to your dorm are you?"

"Liam offered his bed, I know you won't like it but we were going to share," she continues driving and I feel my blood boil.

"You and him? He wants you to share his bed and me sleep on a fold out couch?" I couldn't believe this asshole.

"It's not anything new, we've shared his bed before. Anyway, where else would I sleep? On the ground next to you?"

"Anything is better than you sharing with him," I state bluntly and cross my arms over my chest.

"You want me to sleep on the floor?" she squeaks a little in anger and I find that amusing, but I remain serious.

"Yeah, you aren't sleeping in his bed," I nearly yell as she pulls into a driveway. I look at the mansion briefly before grabbing her wrist.

"Ow, Niall stop," she shrieks. I had forgotten all the bruises she has covered up under the cardigan.

"I'm sorry but you're taking the fold out and I'm sleeping on the ground, there no two ways about it," I state and she looks at me like I have two heads on my shoulder.

"No you aren't, you are not sleeping on the ground," she opens the drivers side door and gets out quickly, making a grab for the backseat to get my things for me. I get out as she grabs my bags and take them from her. "Will you let me do something for you for once, Niall?"

"It's my stuff," I say and take my two bags from her. I turn away abruptly and hear her huff beside me and follow me up to Liam's doorway.


As I knock and wait for Liam to let us in, my mind travels and I'm fuming. It's enough what happened the other night and I have all this work to complete, now Niall wants to dictate where I sleep. Yes, I get it, he's my boyfriend, I don't sleep with other people even if it's not sexual, but holy shit we've been friends for years, nothing has or will happen.

"Hey guys," Liam says cheerfully as he opens the door for us. I offer a smile and step inside and Niall lingers outside. I drop my body onto the couch and hold my temple as Liam leads Niall in.

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