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I'm still sobbing when Niall parks. I calm down enough to look around and see we're in a feild again. "where are we?" I ask and sit up.

"Close enough to see fireworks," he says and looks at me, "are you okay?" He puts his arm around me.

"No," I say and grip my pant leg. He moves closer to me and puts his left hand on my arm. "please," I say and scoot away, "I need air," I get out of the truck and lean against the cab.

The cold air nips at my cheeks as my breathing slows and tears fall less. I hear the door slam and Niall sits beside me.

"What happened with you and Vinny?" he asks. I feel tears welling again.

"He and these two guys," I begin to feel the tears fall, "they were friends with," I can't even finish talking. I'm wildly upset and don't stop Niall from wrapping his arms around me.

"It's ok," he says and kisses my head, "I still have the blankets in the back, want to lay them out on the ground?" he asks slowly.

I nod, "you still have that beer too?"


It's 11 and I'm drunk along with Niall. I've been drunk twice and both times ended with me sleeping with someone.

"So how many beers are left?" I ask Niall, his arm is wrapped around my waist and a blanket is draped over our legs.

"None," Niall laughs and tosses his empty can over the side of the truck.

"How many did you have to begin with ?" I giggle, I'm a happy drunk.

"Like 10 maybe," Niall replies and nuzzles my neck. I finish my beer and look at the sky. A few people are popping fireworks already.

"You think this year will be a good one?" I ask pulling away from his tiny kisses on my neck.

"I fucking hope," Niall replies and smiles.

"So what's up with the chick in my house?" I ask and turn to him.

He shifts in his place, "it's still none if your business," Niall says looking away from me.

"Come on," I stand in the bed of the truck, "I'll dance for you," I say with a grin plastering my face. Niall laughs almost hysterically.

"There's no music," he says and I laugh as I move my hips.

"Make some then," I say and continue. he lays below me and is laughing uncontrollably.

"I didn't realize you we're so hot," he says when I stop and rest my head on his chest.

"So will you tell me or do I have to do it again?" I ask and look at the tattoo on his neck.

"Still not telling," he says and looks at me. I get off him and go to dance again but he grabs my hand to stop me. "I won't tell no matter what you do so drop it," he says.

"Grump," I say with a huff.



"You're the one who won't tell me why you were sobbing like a maniac in my arms 2 hours ago!" Niall fights.

"Because like you I have secrets too," I say and get out of the bed of the truck.

"It's not a secret if you're crying to me," Niall gets off too and follows me away from his truck.

"I'm not going to tell you!" I yell in his face.

"And I'm not telling you either!" Niall yells, he's inches from my face.

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