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The next day I decide maybe I was dreaming, Niall didn't come to my dorm last night in the middle of a shower and ask me to a party. Why would he?

I spend my day studying and working on some crafts for my side of the room. Paige texts periodically to assure me she isn't dead and is okay with Louis. So why bother changing? I have World War Z playing in the background to keep me company. Perfect Valentines Day movie am I right?

When there's a rap on the door I answer it expecting it to be Liam but it's not.

"Are you not going?" Niall asks curiously. He eyes my big t shirt and lack of bottoms.

"So, I wasn't dreaming was I?" Fuck I'm an idiot.

"If you don't want to go just say so," he says sternly. I drag him by the wrist inside and clear a spot on my bed for him.

"I do just let me get ready, sorry about the mess. Will you unplug the glue gun?" I rush to the closet and fling it open. I see nothing that screams Valentines then I opt for Paige's closet.

"Is this okay?" I hold up a red dress that has a heart shaped cut out in the back. Its form fitting in the bust then fans out at the waist.

"Yeah," he says and I quickly throw the shirt off and slide the dress on over my bra and panties. I feel an adrenaline rush knowing he's watching then scamper to him.

"Zip me?" I ask moving my hair. The zipper goes from the waist up to the bottom point of the heart. Niall zips it painstakingly slow and I turn to face him.

"Very...nice," I can tell he's trying to be polite so I smirk and go to my closest to find shoes.

"Would these be okay?" I hold up the silver ones from graduation and he nods slowly. I hand them to him and sit at the vanity to figure out my hair.

"You women take too long," Niall complains as the curling iron heats up.

"I'll only be like 20 more minutes!" I assure him and I see him roll his eyes in the mirror.

I'm finally done and I'm sliding the heels on as Niall leads me out the door.

"Are you sure this is okay?" I ask looking down at my, or Paige's, dress.

"You look great," he gets into the truck and pushes the passenger door open for me.

"You look nice too," I say slowly. He's dressed like he always is, a white shirt, jean jacket with the sleeves chopped off and a pair of chucks.

"Whatever, we're late now thanks to you," he fights and I sigh.

"I'm sorry. I am, but it's a party what's it matter if we're late?" I ask as he pulls out of the parking lot and onto the road.

"It matters because I said it does," he says bitterly.

"What's your problem huh? Who are you to say I'm the reason for everything?" I ask sternly.

"I don't have a problem, you do! You prance around like you know everything!"

"I never said I did! Why do we always end up yelling!" I feel my throat burn and he grips the wheel, his knuckles go from pink to white in an instant.

"You make my life so complicated Rose," Niall yells changing the subject.

"I never asked you to take me places!" Im turned to him in my seat, yelling in a compact area and my ears start to ring.

"I never asked for you to come into my life like you did!"

"You don't like me? if you don't like me why do you always hang around?" I'm screaming now.

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