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Paige isn't doing too much in the way of stopping the boys from fighting. Niall seems to be very strong and Louis is pretty quick. Paige is getting thrashed around just as much as Louis is. So I pull her away first. I've broken up two fights in my life, but never was I really this terrified.

"You asshole," Louis spoke before getting punched in the jaw.

"It's not my fault you prick," Niall answered and shoved him to the ground. I came to Niall and grabbed his jacket and yanked. He stumbled back and saw I was trying to break them up and grabbed my wrist. His sunglasses lay on the floor broken. "Don't fucking touch me," he said and threw my arm from his grasp and punched Louis on the ground.

Well I'll regret this.

I pulled him up again and dragged him out to the patio. Paige was helping Louis up by the time Niall's yelling cleared the patio.

"Let me go!" he screamed and thrashed out of my grasp.

"What the hell is that for?" I asked as Niall wiped blood from his lip.

"I didn't mean to hurt you," he said quickly, he was still fuming with anger.

"No! What was that fighting for? What the hell are you doing?" I asked and found a napkin on the table.

"Louis thinks he knows shit about me but he fucking doesn't," he said and winced when I dabbed at his lip.

"Maybe you should go home," I spoke sternly. Niall's chest heaved as he smacked my arm away from me.

"Mind your own fucking business Rose, you were always like this," Niall went into the house and slammed the door. I stood and watched as the party goers watched him leave. It was deathly silent. I heard the sound of a motor start then speed out.

Going back inside the party was awkwardly resuming. "Paige?" I call out, a girl points down the hall and I hear yelling in one of the rooms.

"Stop fucking touching it!" I hear Louis yell.

"I'm sorry! I'm trying to help you," Paige is using her motherly 'stay calm' voice. I could tell she wanted to cry from his attitude.

"I hate that son of a bitch," Louis adds and hisses. I assume Paige is putting a bandage on him. They exit the bathroom, god Louis looks terrible. Louis has a cut on his eyebrow and lip and a forming black eye. Niall only had the busted lip.

"How about I take you ladies home," Louis puts his arms around the both of us and leads us outside and to his car. "Sorry about all of that," Louis finally speaks after 15 minutes of silence.

"What is it between you two?" Paige asks, her hand rubs his shoulder.

"It's nothing," Louis jerks his shoulder indicating he wants Paige's hand off him. She obliges and we are in silence all the way back to campus.

"Thank you," I say and exit the car quickly. I begin walking to our dorm, it's 2 in the morning and I'm dead tired. I see a group of kids walking to me and tense.

"Rose," I hear a familiar roll in the voice and recognize it's Niall. "I'll meet you at the coffee shop tomorrow. 3," he and his group continues walking past me.

How rude.

I continue to my dorm and let myself in and begin undressing. I'm so tired I don't bother removing my makeup. I toss my heels under my bed and my dress on the floor and flop onto the covers. A few minutes later, Paige comes in

With Louis.

I jerk up, I was nearly asleep, and cover myself with my comforter.

"Oh god, Rose I'm sorry," Louis throws his hand over his eyes and it feel my face burn hot.

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