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"How about some dinner?" Zayn asks me when we get in his car.

"Sure," I look out the window and watch buildings pass me by.

"You have a preference?" he asks and takes hold of my hand. Then I jerk into reality and look at our hands. I pull away slowly and shove my hands between my knees.

"Sorry," he says slowly.

"It's fine," I admit and look everywhere but at him. "Uh anywhere is fine with me," I add nervously. Zayn smiles to himself.

We pull into an Ihop parking lot. it looks pretty packed but Zayn leads me in despite my protests. We are seated in a few minutes at a booth. I look around at the restaurant and my eyes fall on Zayn.

"How's your ear?" he asks taking a drink of his coffee.

"It doesn't hurt yet," I put my hand up to my ear and touch the ball.

"So how's that Zumba thing?" Zayn asks obviously having paid attention to my excuse for not coming yesterday.

"Well I wanted just yoga since I don't have alot of classes this semester. I have more free time..." I catch myself rambling and Zayn smiles. "Zumbas fun," I say and take a drink of my tea.

Zayn laughs. I notice how his tounge sticks between his teeth when he really laughs about something. His nose crinkles a little as he leans forward in his seat.

"That fun?" he asks still smiling.

"Well in my experience you have to be...hispanic to really thrive in Zumba, " I explain and gesture to my arm to show prove my point.

Zayn laughs again, "I'm sure you're better than you say you are." I can't help but smile at that.

"Well, it and yoga together are pretty fun," I admit as our food arrives.

Dinner passes with laughs and smiles. I could stay there forever and just talk to Zayn. But the waitress gives us our ticket and we get up to pay.

"You have anything in mind you want to do?" Zayn asks once we're in the car. It's nearly 11:30 and I can't think of any excuse to stay with him longer.

"Just my dorm," I say and look at him. his red shirt hugs him and moves as he flexes when he turns the wheel.

I tear my eyes away and see that we've made it to campus. Zayn parks and looks at me.

"I had fun," I admit with a smile. he smiles back and puts his hands in his lap.

"Me too," Zayn smiles and gets out of the car. He walks around the back and opens the door for me.

Oh my God.

"Thank you," I say when I step out. My lord he's amazing.

"I'll walk you up," Zayn smiles and lets me lead him to my dorm. I get there and unlock my door. But Paige isn't there.

"Want me to wait with you?" Zayn asks seeing nobody is here.

"Just wait with me to call her," I say taking my phone out. I offer him a seat at the vanity and he takes it.

Paige doesn't pick up.

"Will you be okay alone?" Zayn asks standing. I nod and toss my bag onto the bed.

"I'll call you if I need something," I smile when he stands infront of me.

"You're sure? I don't mind," he offers again.

"I'm a big girl," I answer slowly. Zayn smirks and continues looking down at me. I can't bring myself to pull away from him.

But I do.

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