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Chapter Songs: "Steal My Girl" -One Direction "Every Rose Has It's Thorn" -Poison


Slowly, my eyes flutter open to see a cream colored wall. For a moment I forget where I am, then I move around and remember I am at Liam's. Memories of the night before come flooding back as I sit up in the bed, rubbing my eyes with the back of my hands.

My eyes fall on a alarm clock and see it is nearly four in the afternoon. I groan as my feet swing off the bed and touch the cold floors below. Slowly I trudge into the kitchen where I smelled food being cooked.

Liam hears me enter and turns his gaze to me, a small smile appearing on his face. "Good morning, or should I say evening?"

"I don't give a shit," I grumble and head to the fridge for milk. Liam chuckles as I retrieve the jug and he turns off the flame on the stove.

"Lovely mood you have there," he jokes as I chug milk from the lip of the jug, no glass needed. "I've made you some eggs and bacon."

I sigh and push the lid back on the milk, "you know I hate eggs," I remark and he smiles again.

"More for me." he grabs two plates and beings filling them with me watching him before taking the plates to the table.

"How long have you been up?" I ask quietly, still very tired from my all day sleep.

"Since about 12, I couldn't sleep much," he admits as we sit at the table. "want to go out tonight?"

I shake my head no and play with my food, "I don't think so."

"You've been through a lot this past week, this past year, let me take you out," Liam says and moves his hand to hold mine.

"I can't okay?" I snap then look up at him. "You don't get it, I don't know who to trust anymore."

"I know. you lost a best friend, your boyfriends in jail and someone who thought you can count on is out of the picture. But I'm still here, I've been here since our freshman year, you can still trust me," Liam coos before coming to my side of the table and crouching down at my side.

"I know," I sigh and give his hand a squeeze, "but what if there's something you aren't telling me too?"

Liam shrugs and looks up at me, "you want to know all my secrets?" I shrug, "because I have nothing to hide from you."

"Liam," I start but the sound of a chair sliding to me stops my words.

"I love you, that's my first secret. I have loved you since I first saw you," Liam says taking hold of both my hands. "I shave my toes and sometimes I have to sleep with two pillows because I get bad sinuses in the winter."

"I don't," Liam holds up his hand to stop me.

"I smoke sometimes and I broke my wrist once, that's why I can't always turn well when I'm driving." He pauses to chuckle, "I have a thing for blondes and sometimes I find myself watching gay porn."

"You don't have to do this," I smile now and he offers a smile in response.

"Yes I do," he takes a deep breath and continues. "I've used Weight Watchers once in high school, sometimes I hug my body pillow at night. Oh and sometimes I eat an entire box of Lucky Charms."

"Are you done?" I tease and he nods.

"Until I think of something else," Liam gives me a toothy smile before releasing my hands to pull his plate of food over to his new seat.

"Well, thank you," I smile at his honesty, "for telling me that stuff."

"Oh, that reminds me," he gets up from his seat and leaves the dining room, to return a few minutes later with a post it note in his hands. "This is the information on Niall that I got from the police."

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