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I get back inside my dorm room. Liam and the other two look at me.

"What'd he want?" Liam asks and zips my suitcase for me.

"He wants to take me out tonight," I say and sit on my bed.

"Why?" Everyone asks almost simultaneously.

"Because he passed a final I helped him study for," I reply and get to my closet. What am I supposed to wear?

"Where's he taking you?" Paige asks and comes up beside me.

I shrug.

"What will you wear?" Paige asks looking in my closet with me.

I shrug.

"Okay well Liam and Louis, you boys need to go," Paige says and ushers them out. "We can't figure out what you're going to wear with boys here."

"Why not? They can give me their opinion," I smirk as she runs to the door to bring them back in.


It's 2 hours before 8 and I'm starting to feel ridiculous. It's not a big deal, or a date I don't think. But the boys and Paige have two outfits picked out and I'm shoved into the bathroom to model them. The bathroom is spacey and has an awkwardly placed window directly across the shower. Luckily for Paige and I we purchased shades. But the sun poured in, making me less nervous.

The first outfit is some skinny jeans, white Toms, and a cute black button down sleeveless shirt with white lace collar. I step out and Liam nods, he thinks it's appropriate due to our lack of knowing where we're going.

"I don't like the hair," Louis says, Paige and I roll my eyes.

I return to the bathroom and undress. The second outfit is a purple sundress that reaches mid thigh and has an odd pattern. I don't even remember where I bought it at. I'm not fond of this one for the "date" but Louis likes it and I respect his opinion.

"No," Liam scrunches his nose and shakes his head.

"I like the first one," Paige chimes in over her boyfriend and I laugh.

"I'm always out numbered," Louis complains. I roll my eyes and retreat to the bathroom to change back into the first outfit.

"Now your hair!" Paige stands from her bed excitedly.

"I have two hours to get ready Paige," I whine.

"I haven't gotten to dress you for a date in the two years we've known each other, let me have this," Paige pushes me into the vanity chair and stands behind me. She runs her fingers through my hair and I try and pull from her like a daughter rejecting her mother brushing her hair.

"Come on Paigey," Louis says from her bed.

"Fine. You win. Lets go eat first," she stands me up and leads me downstairs and straight to the coffee shop. I still can't figure why we always go there, I guess proximity.


I'm dressed and waiting for Niall. My makeup is light and how I usually do my makeup and Paige made certain my hair was perfectly curled.

Paige and Louis have left for their commute home and Liam is waiting with me.

"He's probably late," Liam says hitting the home button on his phone. I nod, it's nearly 8 and I'm used to being early to a lot of things.

We sit and sit.

"Maybe he meant tomorrow?" Liam says and holds my clasped hands. I look at him and smile.

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