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Liam closed and bolted the front door then looked at me sympathetically. "You heard all of that I'm sure," Liam smiled and I nodded slowly. "You're alright?"

"Yeah, I'm fine," I pick under my fingernails and look at my hands. I feel Liam wrap his arms tightly around me.

"Let's get you back to bed," Liam says releasing me enough so I can turn around with his arm still around me to guide me to his room.


The next day after class I decide to go to Nialls apartment. Deep down I know it's a bad choice but I'd rather talk, or fight, in person rather than over the phone. I reach the front door of his apartment and look at the door a minute before knocking softly.

After a few minutes Niall opens the door. He has dark circles under his eyes, his hair was an absolute mess and the hand that wasn't gripping the door hung beside him, stabbed over and limp.

"Hi," I say quietly, looking him head to toe.

"What are you doing here," it wasn't a question but more of a statement, with the obvious undertone of 'go away'.

"You'd said you wanted to talk. I'm here to talk," I say firmly, I take a step to him and he grunts before moving, allowing me inside the apartment.

"Why didn't you call?" Niall asks as I observe the mess of the apartment. The couches are overturned, a lamp broken, my eyes travel to the kitchen, not much damage there, most of the wreckage seemed to be controlled to the living room.

"I wanted to see you," I say turning to him, my arms wrap around myself, "I wanted to make sure you were alright."

"I'm fine," Niall answers quickly, his hand rubs the back of his neck, "the apartment isn't though."

He chuckles and I nod, "well, what was it you'd wanted to talk to me about?" I almost added that I'm busy, but that's a lie.

"I wanted to explain myself."

"Well I think you have," I gesture around the room and look at him, "last night too, you would've killed him if you had stayed any longer."

"No I wouldn't have."

"I think I know you well enough to know when you are about to lose your shit," I say sternly.

"Whatever, either way I wanted to tell you why I did what I did," Nialls hands fall to his sides as he watches me. I remain quiet and wait for him to continue, "I did it because I love you."

"Oh, I didn't realize beating up your friend and another guy was the way to show love."

"Incase you've forgotten, Rick nearly raped you and Harry was coming onto you on multiple occasions," Niall snaps and I jump a little. "Don't tell me you've suddenly got amnesia for every bad thing they've done to you and they are holy again."

"That's not why I'm mad," I shake my head side to side and ball my fists up at my sides.

"Then what is this all about? Why are you giving me such a hard time about this?"

"Because I'm worried about you," I admit. Niall looks at me confused and I sigh, "you have a condition and you're going around beating up people. If they turn you in and you get arrested you might not get your pills on time and something horrible could happen to you," by now I'm sobbing and I can't control myself.

"Rose, come on," Niall is hugging me now, swaying ever so slightly, "that wont happen, I promise."

I pull away, tears still streaming like a lunatic, "but it could! No matter how much you promise it won't it could! It could happen Niall and I'm horrified!"

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