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Spring Break draws to a close. It's Thursday- Louis, Paige and I leave tomorrow, and we're at our last party of the week. Louis and Paige have once again ditched me in this big house party on the beach.

I meander through bodies and find a crowded kitchen, with Niall and Harry loitering around.

"Hey," I touch Nialls arm softly and his nose crinkles when he smiles at me.

"Rose," a gruff voice beside Niall speaks. I give a half-hearted smile and nod then look away from Harry.

"How long have you been here?" Niall asks turning his body to me a little. He has still yet to prove he's can be boyfriend material nor has he mentioned it again.

"Like an hour," I answer and lean onto the marble counter top.

"Well," Niall trails off and his eyes lock on something behind me, "Trevor!" he calls and waves his hand, "I'll be back." Niall leaves his drink and hurries past me.

"Ok yeah that's cool," I say under my breath and look at Harry from the corner or my eye.

He's watching me and I don't have the heart to move or anything, anyway Niall said he'd come back. I still can't figure what freaks me out about Harry, maybe it's the way he stares at you.

"Having a nice break?" he asks over the rim of his drink. His gravley voice jerks me from my thoughts and I look at him.

"Yeah, it's nice to get away, you?" I play with my fingers and I notice Harry look at my hands

"Always nice to meet new girls," he smiles and leans onto the counter too, "can I ask you something?" he asks without missing a beat.

"You already did," I sass and he laughs.

"Do you not like me?" he asks and I feel my breath catch in my throat.


"Yeah, Niall and Zayn both think you don't like me," he adds, now leaning on the counter a few inches from me.

"I'll be honest, you make me a little uncomfortable but I don't not like you," I answer slowly and he laughs.

"Now why would you say that?" Harry's hand moves from his slender hip to purposely touch my thigh, lingering as he pulls his hand up onto the counter top to rest behind me.

"You just don't make me feel," I trail off when I feel his hand find the small of my back, "please stop."

Harry smiles and leans over a little, the smell of alcohol radiating off his lips, "stop what?"

"Please," I nearly beg. Seriously, do I just have a rape magnet on me? Do I have some fucking sign that says 'hey hit on me if you're drunk or horny?'

"Harry?" I hear the familiar Irish accent and jolt away from Harry and behind Niall, "what do you think you're doing?"

"Just trying to figure why she doesn't like me," Harry shrugs and drinks the rest of Nialls abandoned drink.

"I don't think that's the way to do it, is it lad?" Niall asks gripping my wrist, "if I ever see you like that on her again, you'll regret ever knowing me." Niall turned and pulled me away, holding my wrist tightly.

Niall lead me out the front door and down the road, I recognized his truck as our stopping point. He released his grip and turned to look at me, worry lines forming on his forehead.

"You're alright?" He asked, his head leaning down to mine.

I nod and wrap my arms around him, pulling him into a hug. Niall is quick to engulf my body in his tattooed arms. He sways ever so slightly, bringing me more comfort.

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