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"Rose?" my dad says suspicious. I jerk away from Niall as my mother and brother enter.

"Niall doesn't have a place to stay so I said the could sleep on the couch," I explain as Niall pulls Adams shirt over his head.

"Is that mine?" Adam asks and sees a pair of his boxers too.

"I'm not sure he can Rosie," my dad says and closes the door. My mother doesn't seem phased as she walks upstairs.

"Just tonight," I defend Niall.

"Adam, why don't you accompany Niall down here tonight," my father suggests, no, tells.

Adam nods and retreats upstairs.

"I'll get them some blankets and pillows," I say and rush past my dad.

Returning downstairs I see Niall and Adam are changed into pajamas. Niall lounges on the couch, his feet propped on the arm rest and Adam sits uncomfortably in the recliner.

"Brought you boys pillows and blankets," I toss one of each to my brother and throw the other set at Niall. "can I talk to you Adam?" I add and he follows me into the hall.

"What?" Adam asks.

"Saw someone today," I whisper. my brother is intrigued. "Vinny."

Adams face drops and he holds my arms, "are you okay? did he talk to you?" he asks looking me in the eyes. His green eyes search mine, I swear I see a flicker if anger dance on his face.

"He talked to me," I say and begin to tremble.

"That asshole didn't touch you did he?" I can hear my brothers anger begin to boil over.

"No, no if he did you would've known sooner," I answer. "I thought he was in prison," I say slowly.

"Me too."

"Should I tell mom and dad?"

"If you run into any of them you come to me first," Adam says sternly, "I'm your big brother I'm supposed to protect you from this shit." He grips my arms tighter, now he displays worry.

"I know," I answer. Adam drops his hands from me and I look at Niall on the couch. "I'm going to bed."


The next morning I come downstairs and find Niall is still asleep and apparently so is the rest of my family. Adam is snoring in the recliner and Niall is twisted in every direction on the couch.

I go to the kitchen and start some breakfast. Not long after I hear feet padding my way and a messy jumble of blonde hair is beside me.

"Sleep okay?" I ask Niall and crack an egg into a pan. he nods and gets milk from the fridge. "not a morning person?" I ask and he nods. "Me either," I admit but I've come to like the mornings, they're free. You can do anything in the morning.

Niall chugs the milk from the jug and I watch him put it back in the fridge.

"You're gross," I tell him and he appears by me again.

"You're the one who tried to kiss me last night," he says in a very tired voice. I roll my eyes.


"Good morning!" my mother sings as she strides into the kitchen. "What are our plans for the first day of 2014?"


Niall stormed away for seemingly no reason after a shower. My mom is sure he's on drugs, she's not wrong but she thinks the hard stuff.

I invite Liam and Paige over for dinner and Paige for a sleepover. Paige and I lay on my bed gawking over some celebrity and Liam is painting my toes a daring pink because he lost a bet.

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