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I make it to the locker room and stuff my gym bag inside a locker. I grab some yoga pants and a regular t shirt and my Nike's then change quickly. it's nearing 8:30 so most are out eating or studying.

I find a treadmill and stick my ear buds in and hit play simultaneously with begin.

I'm 15 minutes in, running 1.5 miles and I see someone come onto the treadmill beside me. Zayn.

"Hey," I say out of breath. He looks at me and smiles.

"Fancy seeing you here," he says and begins to run alongside me.

"Where's your friends?" I ask after I reach 2 miles and slow to a walk.

"Niall and June are having sex, Harry is having sex and yeah they're all having sex," Zayn laughs and it's pretty contagious.

"And you're here working out," I almost tease, am I flirting?

"Well I don't have anyone to have sex with," he says then looks at me and I realize he's looking at my arm, "what is it?" he asks gesturing to my tattoo.

"A rose," I begin to run again.

"Can I get a better look when you're done?" Zayn asks and reaches 2.5 miles.

I smile in response. That's so awkward, I don't want to go in my big explanation of my tattoo. Why'd I agree?

I reach 2.5 miles and stop, Zayn had finished five minutes ago and was sitting on a bench behind me. He looks like he's been caught when I turn.

You and Niall are definitely friends.

He stands and meets me halfway, "I'd like to shower first if you don't mind," I say and walk past him to get to the locker room. Zayn follows and goes into the opposite sex's room. I change quickly, I am NOT going into the back story of this tattoo with him. No chance. I leave the lockers, fresher than I was 5 minutes ago and there's Zayn leaning against the wall across the way. He looks like some kind of Vogue model, doesn't he know he just worked out?

"There you are," he says seeing me, "I was thinking you'd gotten lost in there," he comes up to me and starts eyeing my tattoo.

"Well, we can go outside, less crowded," I say after some basketball assholes pushed past us whooping and hollering. Zayn nods in agreement and leads me to a bench outside.

Fuck, it's freezing ass cold.

"So Rose, you going to let me see it now or take me to your dorm to stall more?" Zayn teases. I hold my left arm, where the rose is inked in and sigh.

"Okay but don't ask about it, you only wanted to look," I remind him. He nods and takes hold of my bicep. Zayn has a gentle touch as he studies my arm, his fingers barely touch the ink as his eyebrow scrunches together to admire the detail. My eyes travel to his tattoos. They are all huge and so many different things.

"It's really good, who did it?" Zayn asks, he still grips my arm as he looks up at me.

"This guy in my hometown," I admit slowly, his tattoos are captivating and covering his right arm.

"You like them?" Zayn asks seeing my interest in his skin. I nod slowly and take his arm after offering it to me. I turn it over in my hands, the art is masterfully done, and dare I say perfect for him.

"They're nice," I say and stand up, my bag thrown over my shoulder.

"Maybe we can go get one together sometime," Zayn winks and turns on his heels. I stand there for a minute and walk in the direction of my dorm.

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