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The next few says were pretty rough. Niall called and texted nonstop the first day until I finally turned off my phone for good.

Zayn had no idea how to handle me in the crazed state I was in so when he found out Liam was in town he convinced him to convince me to stay with him a while.

After Zayn dropped me off he sat me down and had me explain everything. He told me his point of view of Nialls side then his reasoning for why I did the right thing. We had to have talked for two or three hours just about Niall alone. Eventually the talks of him turned into Liam and how he was doing and how his summer has been so far.


Majority of the next week I sat cooped up in the room, any food brought to me- with exception of some, was without a doubt tossed to the floor recklessly. I sat, my arms crossed over my throbbing chest, the pain long dulled but still present from the break. Countless times Greg came in trying to console me only for me to give him the cold shoulder.

But what did that prick expect? He lied to me, he knew I wasn't and never would be ready for what he did. What they all did, they were all against me that day, fuck all of them.

I did however get to play with Theo some, he would crawl allover the bed and my legs when Denise did let him in. That boy could bring a smile to my face no matter what my emotional or physical situation is. Theo is completely oblivious to how pissed off I am and touches my face full palm, which I cant help but smile about.

Of course when Denise comes in and silent snatches up Theo from me, my mind cant help but travel to Rose. Now of course over that week I came to terms with how much I loved her and how much she meant to me, but my God that woman is stubborn. I cant help but love her, she really seems to care about me, which is hard ot believe in all honesty the way she treated me this past weekend.

She can really change a situation to be about her cant she? Rose made it seem like she was the one hurting from seeing my dad. Fuck her.

After my late night thoughts I would usually fall asleep, eventually, even after I thought about how she would cuddle up next to me like she was freezing and practically sleep on her face. She was so warm and comforting and so damn beautiful. I lay there, staring at the ceiling like some heartbroken fuck up and wish that I hadn't blown up on her, but she deserved it.

What am I saying? I am a fuck up and heartbroken. I need to go home, to see her and tell her how wrong she was even though she'll protest until death that I was wrong. I mean, maybe I am. Maybe it was my fault...

"It is not, I didn't do anything wrong," I tell the darkness. My mind flashes when she was screaming at me, tears threatening to leave her eyes. She'd said I was self centered and whatever but I mean, me? Her! Shes the one who makes everything about herself. I guess I understand her reasoning, but I'm not that bad of a guy am i? Maybe I am...

Well shit, I have to see her.


The next morning I crawl out of Liam's bed reluctantly and stumble into the kitchen to find something to munch on. I sidestep Liam who is leaning against the counter sipping on coffee to grab a glass for milk and a pack of Oreos.

"Little early for cookies, isn't it?"

"It's never to early," I answer coldly and pull the tab open and grab three.

"Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed," Liam takes a gulp of coffee and eyes me over the rim.

"I'm just tired okay? Niall is really draining, even after being separated for a week," I reply with sorrow lacing my voice. I let out an exasperated breath before shoving a full Oreo in my mouth. When I finish my three I look at Liam who is smirking, "what?"

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