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"Niall?" My voice breaks the silence of the open field. Niall drove us to the same field as he did when he thanked me for helping him pass.

"Hmm?" Niall continues to watch the stars above us, his arm remaining around my shoulders.

"Who was that woman at my house at New Years?" I ask slowly. I look at him and he looks at his lap then me.

"She's my aunt," he admits with an emotionless expression.

"Why did you run out and act like that then? Is she the one who raised you after your," Niall pulled his arm from me and huffed loudly. I stopped talking and he bit at his lip.

"Because I hate her," he bites, "she's a bitch."

"Well I assumed something along those lines, but why did you act that way?"

Niall rubs his palms on his lap then looks at me before his fingers wrap themselves around mine. "It's a long story," he says and I laugh.

"Try me, if I don't respond it means I've fallen asleep," I tease and he tries to act stern over his smile.

"I don't want to get into it tonight, showing you where my dad is was enough," he answers with a sigh, "maybe we should be heading back."

I crinkle my nose at the idea and look at my boyfriend, oh haha, boyfriend, "I don't want to, Paige is so hungover."

"The what do you want to do? I didn't have anything else planned for us," Niall answers me with a smile.

"20 questions," I suggest and Niall laughs.

"What is this? Some story written by a 13 year old about her favorite band member?" Niall still laughs and I pout.

"It was just an idea," I defend with my arms crossed overly chest. Niall notices my demeanor and softens.

He nods slowly, "ok, but if you ask anything, absolutely anything that I don't want to answer, I'm taking you to your dorm."

"Fine," I nod, proud that I won this disagreement, probably one of the only things I'll ever win with him. "What's your major?"

"Music," he answers with a smile.

"I didn't know you played an instrument?"

"It's only the guitar, simply the most mainstream instrument anyone could ever play," he teases, "my turn, what's your major?"

"Film Studies," I hide a smile and he cackle laughs again.

"Really? Like porn?"

"You're disgusting," I tease and look around the barren field. It's so calm this late, the distant hum of highway traffic is barely audible from here.

"Whatever, next question."

This went on for hours, far surpassing the rules of only 20 questions. I made sure to stay far away from family questions and he refrained from asking about highschool.

Eventually, Niall took me to my dorm, walking me up the hall and to my door.

"I had a really great time," I whisper, knowing if I spoke normally someone would lose their shit.

"Me too," Niall smiles and leans on the wall in front of me. I watch him awkwardly, he looks broken. More so than any other time, now it's like he's trying to still keep a barrier but he's let me so far in he can't.

"It's silly but do you want to come in?" I ask with my hand on the doorknob.

Niall smiles and pushes himself from the wall, "won't it be crowded?"

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